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Part Ⅱ Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)Directions: In this part you will have

Part Ⅱ Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)

Directions: In this part you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer Sheet 1. For questions 1-7, choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). For questions 8-10, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage.

Sustainable Communities

According to the World Wildlife Fund, people are currently using resources 25 percent faster than they can be replaced. If we continue down this course, we will need a second planet by the year 2050. Sustainable communities attempt to change that course by drastically altering how citizens interact with the environment.

Alternatively known as green communities or ecovillages (生态村), sustainable communities vary in their approaches to sustainable living, or a way of life that meets the population's basic needs in ways that can be continued indefinitely for future generations. Some communities focus solely on enriching the environment, while others also aim to improve social and economic conditions as well.

Characteristics of Sustainable Living Communities

Sustainable communities generally strive to minimize waste, reduce consumption and preserve open space. Ideally, they don't use resources faster than they can be replenished, and they don't produce waste faster than it can be assimilated back into the environment. Granted, some communities are more radical than others--living entirely off the grid and eschewing the use of government:--printed money--but the basic principles are similar.

Designing the neighborhood to encourage walking or bicycling is one way sustainable communities put these first two principles into practice. Less driving means less gas and emissions. Many ecovillages also incorporate work space into homes or encourage telecommuting. They also might zone part of the development for commercial use, essentially making the community a serf-contained environment where residents don't even have to leave for shopping or entertainment. This design sometimes is called a live- work-play lifestyle.

Using green building techniques is another staple of sustainable communities. Here are a few examples:

- Architects design buildings to take advantage of the sun's lighting and heating capabilities.

- They install energy-efficient appliances.

- They try to use local sources of materials as much as possible to cut back on the environmental costs of transport.

- They build with durable, non-toxic materials that have either been recycled or sustainably harvested.

You might see straw bale (草捆) houses, which essentially use bales of straw as the structural building blocks; cob houses, which are a mix of straw, clay and sand or earthbag homes, which are exactly what they sound like, homes made out of bags of dirt.

Along with green building techniques, sustainable communities rely on green gardening methods. They landscape with native, drought-tolerant plants and raise them organically to reduce water and keep pesticides and herbicides out of the environment.

Many communities also set aside a significant portion of their land as open space. Serenbe, for example, reserves 80 percent of its 900 acres for green space, that is, 720 acres of rolling hills, woods and streams free of development, quite a contrast to the concrete-laden urban sprawl of Atlanta just 32 miles away.

Another way sustainable communities reduce their ecological footprint is by capturing and recycling their wastes, often creating their own contained natural cycles. Instead of treating normally perceived waste products such as rainwater and sewage as pollution to be gotten rid of, residents mm th

A.We can have another planet called the Earth.

B.We will use up resources on Earth.

C.We will work out replaceable resources.

D.We will migrate to another planet to live.

更多“Part Ⅱ Reading Comprehen…”相关的问题
Reading Comprehension 阅读理解 Let's look at another example of how people's communication patterns differ: the way

Reading Comprehension 阅读理解


Let's look at another example of how people's communication patterns differ: the way people converse. Some foreigners have observed that when Americans carry on a conversation, it seems as if they are having a Ping-Pong game. One person has the ball and then hits it to the other side of the table. The other player hits the ball back and the game continues. If one person doesn't return the ball, then the conversation stops. Each part of the conversation follows this pattern: the greeting and the opening, the discussion of a topic, and the closing and farewell. If either person talks too much, the other may become impatient and feel that he is dominating the conversation. Similarly, if one person doesn't say enough or ask enough questions to keep the conversation going, the conversation stops.

Many North Americans, are impatient with culturally different conversation styles simply because the styles are unfamiliar. For example, to many North Americans it seems that some Latin Americans dominate conversations, or hold the ball too long. Speaking of her co-workers from several Latin American countries, one North American woman said, “I just find it difficult to cut in. They seem to take such a long time to express themselves. They give you a lot of unnecessary details.” When she talked with them, she became tense, because she found it so hard to participate. Yet she also noted that when they talked to each other, nobody seemed uncomfortable or left out.

The North American woman didn't know how to interrupt the Latin American conversations because North American ways of listening and breaking in are very different. She had been taught to listen politely until the other person finished talking. (Once again, there are gender (性别) differences; it has been observed that men tend to interrupt women more than women interrupt men. )When the North American woman did what was “natural” or “normal” for her (i. e. , listen politely without interrupting), she was not comfortable in the conversation with the Latin Americans. The result was that she became more passive in her conversations with her co-workers. The differences between the unspoken rules of conversation of each cultural group interfered with their on-the-job relationship.

26、When North Americans converse together, each one of the group is supposed to_______________.

A.participate in the talk

B.play Ping-Pong games

C.interrupt the speaker

D.dominate the conversation

27、When North Americans converse with the Latin Americans, the North Americans would feel_______________.


B.left out



28、To the North Americans, the Latin Americans are_______________.





29、We can infer from this passage that_______________.

A.people from different cultures cannot communicate with each other

B.different conversational styles may affect people's relationships

C.men are more talkative than women

D.North Americans' conversational habits are better than those of Latin Americans'

30、The best title for this passage is_______________.

A.Different Conversation Styles

B.Different Conversation Topics

C.Different Conversation Processes

D.Different Conversation Effects

Reading Comprehension 阅读理解 When your parents advise you to “get an education” in order to raise your income,

Reading Comprehension 阅读理解


When your parents advise you to “get an education” in order to raise your income, they tell you only half the truth. What they really mean is to get just enough education to provide manpower for your society, but not so much that you prove an embarrassment to your society.

Get a college degree, if possible. With a B. A., you'll have a good start. But now you have to slow down. If you go for a master's degree, make sure it is an M. B. A., and only from a first-rate university. Beyond this, the famous law of diminishing returns (报酬递减率) begins to take effect.

Do you know, for instance, that long distant truck drivers earn more per year than full professors? Yes, the average 1977 salary for those truckers was $ 24, 000, while the full professors managed to earn just $ 23, 030.

A Ph. D. (博士) is the highest degree you can get. Except for a few specialized fields such as physics or chemistry where the degree can quickly be turned to industrial or commercial purposes, if you pursue such a degree in any other field, you will face a dim future. There are more Ph. D. s unemployed or under-employed in this country than in any other part of the world.

If you become a Ph. D. in English or history or political science or languages or—worst of all—in philosophy, you run the risk of becoming overeducated for our national demands. Not for our needs, mind you, but for our demands.

Thousands of Ph. D. s are selling shoes, driving cars, waiting on tables, and endlessly filling out applications month after month. They may also take a job in some high school or second-rate college that pays much less than what the doorkeeper earns.

You can equate (同等看待) the level of income with the level of education only so far. Far enough, that is, to make you useful to the gross national product, but not so far that nobody can turn much of a profit on you.

31、Your parents advise you to “get an education” partly because they want you_______________.

A.to gain more knowledge

B.to earn more money

C.to get a degree

D.to free yourself from embarrassment

32、From the second paragraph, we can infer that both B. A. and M. B. A. are_______________.



C.college degrees

D.academic disciplines

33、According to the author, _______________.

A.a high degree helps you greatly in finding a satisfactory job

B.a high degree does not necessarily help you to find a satisfactory job

C.the higher degree you get, the more money you can make

D.the higher degree you get, the dimmer future you will face

34、The author would advise you to specialize in the fields of _______________ for a doctor's degree.

A.physics or chemistry

B.English or history

C.political science


35、Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?

A.Well-educated professionals sometimes earn less than truck drivers.

B.It's easier for those who specialize in the fields of physics and chemistry to find a job.

C.Some Ph. D. graduates work as shop assistants, car drivers, waiters or waitresses, because they cannot find a suitable job.

D.Your Ph. D. degree will make your country embarrassed.

Effective reading requires you to vary your rate and style. of reading according both to the type of reading material and your purpose in reading it.


A、catch; catching

B、reading; read

C、reading; reading


A、re reading

B、is reading

C、is read



A、I is reading

B、I reading

C、I am reading


A、Hello English Readers

B、Reading A-Z

C、Reading Explorer



B、to read;reading

C、to read;to read

D、reading;to read

I like __()




新S1中,Practical Reading包含哪些教学环节()


B、Intro and Picture Walk

C、Target Reading

D、Independent Reading

E、Post Reading






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