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She used to have three _____.

She used to have three _____.

A、boys friends

B、boys friend

C、boy friends

D、boy friend

更多“She used to have three _…”相关的问题
My father was, I am sure, intended by nature to be a cheerful kindly man. Until be was thirty-four years old he worked as a farmhand for a man named Thomas Butterworth whose place lay near the town of Bidwell, Ohio. He had a horse of his own, and on Saturday evenings drove into town to spend a few hours in social intercourse with other farmhands. In town he drank several glasses of beer and stood about in Ben Head's saloon—crowded on Saturday evening with visiting farmhands. Songs were sung and glasses thumped on the bar. At ten o'clock father drove home along a lonely country road, made his horse comfortable for the night, and himself went to bed, quite happy in his position in life. He had at that time no notion of trying to rise in the world.
It was in the spring of his thirty-fifth year that father married my mother, then a country school teacher, and in the following spring I came wriggling and crying into the world. Something happened to the two people. They became ambitious. The American idea of getting up in the world took possession of them.
It may have been that mother was responsible. Being a school teacher, she had no doubt read books and magazines. She had, I presume, read of how Garfield, Lincoln, and other Americans rose from poverty to fame and greatness, and as I lay beside her—in the days of her lying-in—she may have dreamed that I would someday rule men and cities. At any rate she induced father to give up his place as farmhand, sell his horse, and embark on an independent enterprise of his own. She was a tall silent woman with a long nose and troubled gray eyes. For herself she wanted nothing. For father and me she was incurably ambitious.
According to the narrator, his father's life used to be______.
A.quite poor
B.quite hard
C.quite happy
D.quite rich
“Let’s go down once more, push your enter key...” says a volunteer helping senior citizens work a web session on the Internet.
David Lansdale has found a way to spark up the lives of the elderly. He gets them wired to the Internet.
“If you hit your enter key, it will bring up this particular email...”
Pauline Allen is one of those who have started using the Internet, “I thought I was through with life, I was ready for a rocking chair, because I was 86 years old. And I haven’t found the rocking chair, yet. ”
“You found the keyboard ?” asked the reporter. “That’s right, I found the keyboard.”
The average age of Lansdale’s students is around 68. All are in nursing homes or assisted care homes. He used family relationships to introduce them to the World Wide Web.
David Lansdale says, “Here they are in California, the family was back in New York, the opportunity to connect, to cross the time and space, was an incredibly precious opportunity for them.”
“I hear you are so beautiful.” Lillian Sher dictates e -mail to a newborn great-granddaughter. Working with one another, the seniors learn as a group. They learn to master the Internet and to overcome what Lansdale calls the maladies of the institutionalized: loneliness, helplessness, boredom, and cognitive decline.
Mary Harvey says, “Bingo just doesn’t appeal to me. But this does, believe me, this does. ”
Ninety-four year old Ruth Hyman is a star pupil and instructor. She says, “When I send a letter to my grandchildren, and great grandchildren, they hang it up in their offices, just like I used to hang their drawings on my refrigerator. Ha, ha. ”
David Lansdale says, “There’s a collective benefit. There is an element, a tremendous element of therapy. Remember we started as a support group. ”
Dixon Morehouse says, “I just wish I were 15 years old and getting to learn all this.” The seniors call their weekly meetings Monday Night Live. And many say the meetings have given them new life.
Ruth Hyman says, “Three years ago, they told me I wasn’t going to live. But I showed them, and got work, and I’ve worked ever since. ”
1、The suitable title of this news story is ()
A、Lonely Senior Citizens and Their Volunteers
B、Senior Citizens in Nursing Homes
C、Senior Citizens Surf the Web for Health of Mind and Body
D、How Senior Citizens Learn to use Computer
2、What does the phrase “spark up ” mean?
A、light up
3、By saying “I thought I was through with life, I was ready for a rocking chair, because I was 86 years old And I haven’t found the rocking chair yet.” Pauline Allen means ()
A、she used to think she was too old to do anything、But now she doesn’t think so
B、she is eager to look for a rocking chair to sit on
C、she would rather die in her rocking chair
D、she is too old and finds life is meaningless
4、Why did Mary Harvey’s grandchildren and great grandchildren hang her letter up in their offices?
A、Because there was a picture in her letter
B、Because she used to hang their letters up
C、Because they were proud of her
D、Because they liked to read the letter every day
5、Which of the following is NOT mentioned as the advantage of a web session on the Internet?
A、It can make senior citizens become closer to their family
B、It can contribute to family’s occasional visit to the seniors
C、It serves as a therapy
D、It can bring the senior citizens self-confidence

Mrs Sharp, a large, red-faced woman in her late sixties, has lived in Greenleas, a &
Mrs Sharp, a large, red-faced woman in her late sixties, has lived in Greenleas, a 'new town' in the countryside outside London, since 1958. Before that she lived in Bethnal Green, an area of inner London. She was moved to Greenleas by the local authorities when her old house was demolished (拆除).
She came from a large family with six girls and two boys, and she grew up among brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts, grandparents and cousins. When she married her boyfriend from school at eighteen, they went on living with her parents, and her first child was brought up more by her mother than by herself, because she always worked.
As the family grew, they moved out of their parents' house to a flat. It was in the next street, and their life was still that of the extended family. "All my family used to live around Denby Street," said Mrs Sharp, "and we were always in and out of each other's houses." When she went to the shops, she used to call in on her mother to see if she wanted anything. Every day she would visit one sister or another and see a nephew or niece at the corner shop or in the market.
"You always knew 90% of the people you saw in the street every day, either they were related to you or you were at school with them," she said.
When her babies were born (she had two sons and a daughter), she said, "All my sisters and neighbours would help - they used to come and make a cup of tea, or help in some other way." And every Saturday night there was a family party. It was at Mrs Sharp's mother's house. "Of course we all know each other very well. You have to learn to get on with each other. I had one neighbour who was always poking(管闲事) her nose into our business. She was forever asking questions and gossiping (拨弄是非). But you had to put up with everyone, whatever they were like."
1)、Mrs. Sharp had to move to Greenleas because she had to work there.
2)、When she got married, she lived together with her parents all the time.
3)、She knew so many people because they were either her relatives or schoolmates.
4)、The sentence "I had one neighbour who was always poking her nose into our business." in the last Para. means I had one neighbour who always showed her interests in our private affairs.
5)、This passage mainly deals with what the extended family is like.
According to the author, children are bored ______.A.unless their parents can find new thr
According to the author, children are bored ______.
A.unless their parents can find new thrills for them
B.when they don't have any access to stimulating fun games
C.when they are left alone at weekends by their working parents
D.even if they are exposed to more and more kinds of entertainment

英译汉:She is used to living in the countryside.
When a drug is one that should be used only under a doctor's supervision, the law requires that it be sold only by prescription (处方). Special tests or instructions may be needed. Drugs for serious diseases may require a prescription to insure safe and correct use.
A prescription is as personal as your name. It is designed for you alone. It is based on such factors as your age, weight, general health, allergies (过敏症), and other factors, as well as your illness.
Never take a prescription drug meant for another person, even if you think you have the same illness. Prescriptions aren't supposed to be traded around the family or neighborhood. Each prescription is intended for an individual. It is a violation of federal law to sell a prescription drug without a prescription.
Doctors and dentists are licensed by each state to prescribe drugs for human use. Doctors for veterinary (兽医的) medicine are licensed to prescribe drugs for animal use.
A licensed medical doctor must pass all examination m practice medicine in a certain state. Before doing this, he or she has probably completed at least two years of a premedical course, a four-year medical course, two years of internship (实习) or residency in a hospital, and perhaps an extra year or more of training in a specialty -- altogether at least eight years of medical training, possibly nine.
Don't take prescriptions written for you during a previous illness without first checking with your doctor. Your illness may not be the same as the previous one, even though you think it is. Also the drug may have lost strength. Only a doctor is qualified to advise you about continuing to take a medicine.
Why does the law require that some drugs be used under a doctor's prescription?
A.Because they are not safe.
B.Because they need further special tests.
C.Because they are meant to cure serious diseases.
D.Because the prescription can ensure the safe use of the drugs.
It won’t be long before she ______ living a new life in a foreign country.

A、used to

B、gets used

C、gets used to

D、be used to

Nellie Melba was Australia's "Queen of Opera".She was born in 1861 and her real name was Helen Porter Mitchell.She grew up in musical family.When she was 20 Helen Mitchell married the manager of a Queensland sugar farm. But she was not happy and the next year she went back to Melbourne to continue her music and singing lessons. She wanted to make a name for herself as an opera singer.
She stayed in Melbourne for four years then left for London. But no one seemed interested in this young un­known singer from Australia. She went to Paris to have lessons from a well-known teacher. In December the same year she gave a concert in which she used the name "Nellie Melba in honour of Melbourne her home city.
Nellie Melba was soon a star. She sang in London Europe Russia and America. She was paid well every time she sang. In 1902 she turned to Melbourne. The city was decorated (装饰) and thousands of people waited in the streets to wave and cheer as she drove by. From then on she divided her time between London and Australia. During World War I she sang in many concerts to raise money.
In 1918 Nellie Melba was made a Dame of the British Empire.
1.Nellie Melba's parents probably were ()
2.She went to London because she()
A.no one showed interest in her singing
B.she was not happy in Australia
C.she wanted to study music
D.she wanted to be a great singer
3.She became famous in her ()
4.Which of the following is true?
A.She loved Melbourne but the people there didn't love her.
B.She didn't love Melbourne but the people there loved her.
C.She loved Melbourne and the people there loved her.
D.She didn't love Melbourne and the people there didn't love her.
5.What do you suppose "a Dame of the British Empire"?
A.A very beautiful woman.
B.A woman singer.
C.Queen of Opera.
D.A respected woman.
6.What does the author wants to tell us?
A.A Canadian girl tries record flying
B.A Canadian girl flew with her father
C.Two Youngest pilots
D.A Two-week flight
听力原文: Many of us believe that a person's mind becomes less active as he grows older. But this is not true, according to Dr.Jarvik, professor of psychiatry at the University of California. She has studied the mental functioning of aging persons for several years. For example, one of her studies concerns 136 pairs of identical twins, who were first examined when they were already 60 years old. As Dr. Jarvik continued the study of the twins into their 70's and 80's, their minds did not generally decline as was expected.
However, there was some decline in their psychomotor speed. This means that it took them longer to accomplish mental tasks than it used to. But when speed was not a factor, they lost very little intellectual ability over the years. In general Dr. Jarvik's studies have shown that there is no decline in knowledge or reasoning ability. This is true not only with those in their 30's and 40's, but with those in their 60's and 70's as well. In the cases where the older person's mind really seems to decay, it is not necessarily a sign of decay due to old age. Often it is simply a sign of a depressed emotional state.
According to Dr. Jarvik's studies, middle-aged and older persons would expect to ______.
A.remember less
B.reason better
C.learn fewer things
D.lose no intellectual ability

&8226;Read the article below about the body shop.&8226;Choose the best sentence to fill in
&8226;Read the article below about the body shop.
&8226;Choose the best sentence to fill in each of the gaps.
&8226;For each gap 8-12,mark one letter(A-G) on your Answer Sheet.
&8226;Do not use any letter more than once.
&8226;There is an example at the beginning(0).
The Body Shop--A New Kind of International Business
The Body Shop--good to its employees, its customers, the environment, worthy causes and the Third World--has pioneered a new kind of corporate culture, and made a great deal of money at the same time. When Anita Roddick, the founder of The Body Shop, is asked questions about her company, it is clear that she is passionate about the good work that The Body Shop does at the same time that it is a corporate business. Auckland businessman Roger Lampen of the job search Lampen Group Ltd says he's inspired by what he has read and heard about Roddick.
"Her level of passion and commitment is what's really required in business now," he says. (8) By all accounts, the huge British company, which makes and sells skin and hair-care products around the world, is
Good to employees: they are encouraged to have fun to challenge management, to put love where their labour is;
Good to customers: they can sample products with in-store "testers" and buy small bottles to start with; they are given information about ingredients; they are offered refills at a discount;
Good to the Third World: Anita Roddick, who runs the company, spends months each year traveling to remote regions to study the people's skin and hair care. (9)
Good to charities and worthy causes: Amnesty International, Romanian orphanages and the threatened rainforests of South America are among many beneficiaries of money, million-signature petitions, supplies, volunteers, membership sign-ups, shop-window campaigns;
Good to the environment: The Body Shop uses minimal packaging, recycles almost everything in sight and battles pollution. In one Body Shop paper-making business in Nepal, paper is made from water hyacinths that used to clog waterways, and from specially planted banana palms that have helped stop erosion and provide food. Residue from the paper-making is used to make pots for trans- planting much-needed trees. (10) .
While Roddick might say nasty things about some of the Body Shop shareholders--she loathes uncaring "speculators" who are just in for a quick profit--the company has certainly been good for their bank accounts. Since the shares were floated, in 1981, their price has increased almost 100--fold, says Fortune magazine. (11) Asked in a phone interview about how the Body Shop is likely to fare when Roddick retires, he says, "A couple of thousand years ago, you might have asked," What's going to happen to Christianity if Jesus Christ dies? If Anita Roddick goes, the Body Shop could potentially become even stronger. The corporate culture is very strong." (12) Roddick gets angry about suspicious questioning "Anyone claiming to be altruistic is considered suspect." But, in a phone interview while she is visiting the Madison Avenue, New York, Body Shop, she gives some answers.
A But first let's look at what makes The Body Shop seem just too good to be true.
B One London stock analyst, John Richards of Country Natwest, even compares Roddick to Christ.
C All this, plus jobs and income!
D She has set up several Third World suppliers under a "Trade not Aid" policy;
E Still, no person and no business is perfect.
F Auckland businessman Roger Lampen of the job search Lampen Group Ltd says he's inspired by what he has read and heard about Roddick.
G But each year we're slowly getting better.

She used to dress herself()front of the mirror beforebreakfast.





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