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Another cultural aspect of nonverbal communication is one that you might not think about: space. Every person perceives himself to have a sort of invisible shield surrounding his physical body. When someone comes too close, he feels uncomfortable. When he bumps into someone, he feels obligated to apologize. But the size era person's "comfort zone" depends on his cultural origin. For example, in casual conversation, many Americans stand about four feet apart, hi other words, they like to keep each other "at arm's length". People in Latin or Arab cultures, in contrast, stand very close to each other, and touch each other often. (79) If someone from one of those cultures stands too close to an American while in conversation the American may feel uncomfortable and back away.

When Americans are talking, they expect others to respond to what they are saying. (80) To Americans, polite conversationalists empathize by displaying expressions of excitement or disgust shock or sadness. People with a "poker face", whose emotions are hidden by a deadpan expression, are looked upon with suspicion. Americans also indicate their attentiveness in a conversation by raising their eyebrows, nodding, smiling politely and maintaining good eye contact. Whereas some cultures view direct eye contact as impolite or threatening, Americans see it as a sign of genuineness and honesty. If a person doesn't look you in the eye, an American might say, you should question his motives or assume that he doesn't like you. Yet with all the concern for eye contact, Americans still consider staring—especially at strangers--to be rude.

The passage is mainly concerned with ______ .

A.classification of nonverbal communication

B.the reasons why people should think about space

C.the relationship between communication and space

D.cultural aspects of nonverbal communication


更多“Another cultural aspect …”相关的问题

Fill in the blanks with appropriate phrases given below to make the sentences in the following paragraph arranged in a logical and coherent way.

A.thereforeB.obviouslyC.bothD.andE.howeverF.the sameG.because ofH.includingI.alsoJ.in which

(1) ________ (2) ________(3) ________(4) ________(5) ________(6)________(7) ________(8)________(9)________(10) ________

Translation research concerns the problems involved in transferring meaning from one culture to another.

(1) not all cultures interpret situations in (2) way; perceptions can differ enormously, and words carry connotations which do not have exact equivalence in another language.Translation scholars are (3) occupied with many of the same concerns which interest writing researchers in other areas.Despite this, (4) , translation is often an invisible practice, and has tended to exist on the periphery of intellectual activity in applied linguistics.Translation study is a field (5) both theory and reflection on cultural, methodological and social issues are vital.(6) this a number of questions central to writing more generally have emerged, (7) the nature of context and situationality, the role of interpretation in cross-cultural communication, the challenge of rendering idiomaticity (8) the part played by audience.Translation has (9) expanded beyond its established literary and technical areas.(10) machine translation and computer-assisted translation represent rapidly expanding domains of practice and flourishing research areas.

填句补文 Art seems to appear in human history as far back as 30,000 years ago. We say the earliest cave paintings are art,

Art seems to appear in human history as far back as 30,000 years ago. We say the earliest cave paintings are art, but what do we mean by art? A bone fish hook (钩) obviously required skill and creativity to make. _ 26__

For the person who crates it, art expresses feelings and ideas. _ 27 _.The feelings and ideas on each side may or may not be exactly the same. And they may be expressed in various ways.

An artistic work is intended to excite the senses, to stir (激发) the emotions of the observer. _ 28_. But art is more than an attempt by an individual to express or communicate feelings and ideas. There is also cultural patting and meaning

Artistic activities are always in part cultural. In our society, we tend to think that anything useful is not art. If the basket has a design that is not necessary to its function, we may consider tart. __29__ However, this difference is not made in other societies.

Another example is that people in different societies treat the outside of their houses differently. Most North. Americans share the value of decorating the inside of their homes with pictures. _ 30 _

So art seems to have several qualities. It expresses as well as communicates. And it also has cultural meanings.

A. But we do not call it art.

B. It may produce feelings of beauty, peace or fear.

C. For the observer, it stimulates feelings and ideas.

D. Art does not require its creators to be full-time specialists.

E. But the basket with bread on the table would probably not be taken as art.

F. But they do not share the value of painting pictures on the outside walls.

The idea that some groups of people may be more intelligent than others is one of those hypotheses that dare not speak its name. But Gregory Cochran is 【B1】 to say it anyway. He is that 【B2】 bird, a scientist who works independently 【B3】 any institution. He helped popularize the idea that some diseases not 【B4】 thought to have a bacterial cause were actually infections, which aroused much controversy when it was first suggested.
【B5】 he, however, might tremble at the 【B6】 of what he is about to do. Together with another two scientists, he is publishing a paper which not only 【B7】 that one group of humanity is more intelligent than the others, but explains the process that has brought this about. The group in 【B8】 are a particular people originated from central Europe. The process is natural selection.
This group generally do well in IQ test, 【B9】 12-15 points above the 【B10】 value of 100, and have contributed 【B11】 to the intellectual and cultural life of the West, as the 【B12】 of their elites, including several world-renowned scientists, 【B13】. They also suffer more often than most people from a number of nasty genetic diseases, such as breast cancer. These facts, 【B14】, have previously been thought unrelated. The former has been 【B15】 to social effects, such as a strong tradition of 【B16】 education. The latter was seen as a (an) 【B17】 of genetic isolation. Dr. Cochran suggests that the intelligence and diseases are intimately 【B18】. His argument is that the unusual history of these people has 【B19】 them to unique evolutionary pressures that have resulted in this 【B20】 state of affairs.
"Culture consists of all shared products of human society" (Robertson, 1981 ). This means
"Culture consists of all shared products of human society" (Robertson, 1981 ). This means not only such material things as cities, organizations and schools, but also non-material things such as ideas, customs, family patterns, languages. Putting it simply, culture refers to the entire way of life of a society, "the ways of a people".
Language is a part of culture and plays a very important role in it. Some social scientists consider it the keystone of culture. Without language, the maintaining of culture would not be possible. On the other hand, language is influenced and shaped by culture, it reflects culture. In the broadest sense, language is the symbolic representation of a people, and it comprises their historical and cultural backgrounds, as well as their approach to life and their ways of living and thinking.
We should not go further into the relationship between language and culture. What needs to be stressed here is that the two interact, and that understanding of one requires understanding of the other.
Social scientists tell us that cultures differ from one another, that each culture is unique. As cultures are diverse, so languages are diverse. It is only natural then that with differences in cultures and differences in languages, difficulties often arise in communicating between cultures and across cultures. Understanding is not always easy.
Learning a foreign language well means more than merely mastering the pronunciation, gram mar, words and idioms. It means learning also to see the world . as native speakers of that language see it, learning the ways in which their language reflects the ideas, customs, and behaviors of their society, learning to understand their "language of the mind". Learning a language, in fact, is inseparable from learning its culture.
According to the first paragraph, the term "culture" refers to ______.
A.things like cities, organizations and schools
B.ideas, customs, family patterns, and languages
C.all things produced by human race
D.the total that constitute a society
Contacts (交往) between Japan and the rest of the world have grown a great deal in the twe
Contacts (交往) between Japan and the rest of the world have grown a great deal in the twentieth century. In the last thirty years, business contacts between Japan and the West have become very important. Many foreign companies now have offices in Japan and Japanese businessmen do business around the world.
Differences between Japanese and Western ways of doing business, however, often bewilder the foreign businessman and make doing business in Japan difficult for foreigners.
The American businessman, for example, wants to start talking business immediately. He wants quick decisions. He does not wait. The Japanese, on the other hand, likes to arrive at decisions gradually after giving them a great deal of thought.
Another thing foreign businessmen have difficulty in understanding is when a Japanese means "Yes" or "No". This is because of cultural difference for a Japanese to say "No" directly.
In English, it is easy to say "No" to something we do not want to do. But in Japan it is very difficult to say "No". To refuse an invitation or a request with "No", or a similar phrase, is felt to be impolite. It is thought to be selfish (自私) and unfriendly. So instead of saying "No" directly, the Japanese have developed many ways to avoid saying "No". These enable them to avoid hurting other people's feeling. However, this often makes communication with the Japanese difficult for foreigners to understand and follow.
Paragraph One tells us that______.
A.it is not always easy for foreigners to do business in Japan
B.Japan is a very important country for businessmen
C.business contacts between Japan and the West are important
D.Japanese businessmen do business all around the world

From childhood to old age, we all use language as a means of broadening our knowledge of ourselves and the world about us. When humans first【C1】______, they were like newborn children, unable to use this【C2】______tool. Yet once language developed, the possibilities for mankind's future【C3】______and cultural growth increased.
Many linguists believe that evolution is【C4】______for our ability to produce and use language. They【C5】______that our highly evolved brain provides us【C6】______an innate language ability not found in lower【C7】______. Proponents of this innateness theory say that our【C8】______for language is inborn, but that language itself develops gradually,【C9】______a function of the growth of the brain during childhood. Therefore there are critical【C10】______times for language development.
Current【C11】______of innateness theory are mixed; however, evidence supporting the existence of some innate abilities is undeniable.【C12】______, more and more schools are discovering that foreign languages are best taught in【C13】______grades. Young children often can learn several languages by being【C14】______to them, while adults have a much harder time learning another language once the【C15】______of their first language have become firmly fixed.
【C16】______some aspects of language are undeniably innate, language does not develop automatically in a vacuum. Children who have been【C17】______from other human beings do not possess language. This demonstrates that【C18】______with other human beings is necessary for proper language development. Some linguists believe that this is even more basic to human language【C19】______than any innate capacities. These theorists view language as imitative, learned behavior.【C20】______, children learn language from their parents by imitating them. Parents gradually shape their child's language skills by positively reinforcing precise imitations and negatively reinforcing imprecise ones.

Reading Comprehension 阅读理解 Let's look at another example of how people's communication patterns differ: the way

Reading Comprehension 阅读理解


Let's look at another example of how people's communication patterns differ: the way people converse. Some foreigners have observed that when Americans carry on a conversation, it seems as if they are having a Ping-Pong game. One person has the ball and then hits it to the other side of the table. The other player hits the ball back and the game continues. If one person doesn't return the ball, then the conversation stops. Each part of the conversation follows this pattern: the greeting and the opening, the discussion of a topic, and the closing and farewell. If either person talks too much, the other may become impatient and feel that he is dominating the conversation. Similarly, if one person doesn't say enough or ask enough questions to keep the conversation going, the conversation stops.

Many North Americans, are impatient with culturally different conversation styles simply because the styles are unfamiliar. For example, to many North Americans it seems that some Latin Americans dominate conversations, or hold the ball too long. Speaking of her co-workers from several Latin American countries, one North American woman said, “I just find it difficult to cut in. They seem to take such a long time to express themselves. They give you a lot of unnecessary details.” When she talked with them, she became tense, because she found it so hard to participate. Yet she also noted that when they talked to each other, nobody seemed uncomfortable or left out.

The North American woman didn't know how to interrupt the Latin American conversations because North American ways of listening and breaking in are very different. She had been taught to listen politely until the other person finished talking. (Once again, there are gender (性别) differences; it has been observed that men tend to interrupt women more than women interrupt men. )When the North American woman did what was “natural” or “normal” for her (i. e. , listen politely without interrupting), she was not comfortable in the conversation with the Latin Americans. The result was that she became more passive in her conversations with her co-workers. The differences between the unspoken rules of conversation of each cultural group interfered with their on-the-job relationship.

26、When North Americans converse together, each one of the group is supposed to_______________.

A.participate in the talk

B.play Ping-Pong games

C.interrupt the speaker

D.dominate the conversation

27、When North Americans converse with the Latin Americans, the North Americans would feel_______________.


B.left out



28、To the North Americans, the Latin Americans are_______________.





29、We can infer from this passage that_______________.

A.people from different cultures cannot communicate with each other

B.different conversational styles may affect people's relationships

C.men are more talkative than women

D.North Americans' conversational habits are better than those of Latin Americans'

30、The best title for this passage is_______________.

A.Different Conversation Styles

B.Different Conversation Topics

C.Different Conversation Processes

D.Different Conversation Effects


Leica 脱水机系列产品中具有磁力搅拌器的是()



C、3、ASP 300S

D、4、ASP 6025

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