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INaDME system,the Reply Delay is the time in terval between the()pointont heleading edge of the first pulse of aninter rogation pulse pairand the()point on th eleading edge of the first pulse of the trans ponde rreply pulsep air。

INaDME system,the Reply Delay is the time in terval between the()pointont heleading edge of the first pulse of aninter rogation pulse pairand the()point on th eleading edge of the first pulse of the trans ponde rreply pulsep air。





更多“INaDME system,the Reply …”相关的问题
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---- Yeah. It is the only professional museum about the railway system in China.

A、Do you know the China Railway Museum?

B、Excuse me, sir. Where is the China Railway Museum?

C、Do you mind telling me where you’re from?

Section BDirections: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by som
Section B
Directions: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice.
Today I've returned to Chicago to discuss another issue relating to our security, and that's the need for us to improve the health security of American citizens.
And for the sake of health care for all Americans, we must reform. the medical liability system. For years, leaders of both political parties have talked about these reforms. Now is the time to get the job done.
We have just had a discussion with fellow citizens--some doctors and other professionals on medical care. I want to thank them for joining me today and sharing their stories and their concerns about the future of health care in our country.
One thing is for certain about health care in our country, that is, we've got the best health care system in the world, and we need to keep it that way. We've got great doctors in America. We're really good at research. We're developing technologies and medicines which are extending lives not only in our country, but also across the world.
To make sure we've got a good health care system today and tomorrow, we've got to make sure that no policy of the federal government will undermine (损坏) the system of private care in America. As folks who deliver that care, you know that we've got challenges in our system. We must address the challenges while not undermining the strengths of American medicine.
We have got a problem in America that we must deal with. Medical liability is not only a local problem, but a national issue that requires a national solution.
There are challenges in the health care system. We understand that in Washington. And we can answer those challenges with practical, sensible, compassionate (有同情心的) reforms. That is the charge before us, and that is the charge we must keep on behalf of the American people.
What is the problem being talked about for years in America?
A.Leaders of political parties.
B.Reforms of social security.
C.Security of American citizens.
D.Improvement of the health security.
Recent stories in the newspapers and magazines suggest that teaching and research contradict each other, that research plays too prominent a part in academic promotions, and that teaching is badly under-emphasized. There is an element of truth in these statements, but they also ignore deeper and more important relationships.
Research experience is an essential element of hiring and promotion at the research university because it is the emphasis on research that distinguishes such a university from an arts college. Some professors, however, neglect teaching for research, and that presents a problem.
Most research universities reward outstanding teaching, but the greatest recognition is usually given for achievements in research. Part of the reason is the difficulty of judging teaching. A highly responsible and tough professor is usually appreciated by top students who want to be challenged, but disliked by those whose records are less impressive. The mild professor gets overall ratings that are usually high, but there is a sense of disappointment on the part of the best students, exactly those for whom the system should present the greatest challenges. Thus, a university trying to promote professors primarily on the basis of teaching qualities would have to confront this confusion.
As modem science moves faster, two forces are exerted on professors: one is the time needed to keep up with the profession; the other is the time needed to teach. The training of new scientists re quires outstanding teaching at the research university as well as the arts college. Although scientists are usually "made" in the elementary schools, scientists can be "lost" by poor teaching at the college and graduate school levels. The solution is not to separate teaching and research, but to recognize that the combination is difficult but vital. The title of professor should be given only to those who profess, and it is perhaps time for universities to reserve it for those willing to be an earnest part of the community of scholars. Professors unwilling to teach can be called "distinguished research investigators, "or something else.
The pace of modem science makes it increasingly difficult to be a great researcher and great teacher. Yet many are described in just those terms. Those who say we can separate teaching and re search simply do not understand the system, but those who say the problem will disappear are not fulfilling their responsibilities.
What idea does the author want to convey in the first paragraph?
A.It is wrong to overestimate the importance of teaching.
B.Teaching and research are contradictory to each other.
C.Research can never be emphasized too much.
D.The relationship between teaching and research should not be simplified.
Sleep is a funny thing. We're taught that we should get seven or eight hours a night, but a lot of us get by just fine on less, and some of us actually sleep too much. A study out of the University of Buffalo reported that people who routinely sleep more than eight hours a day and are still tired are nearly three times as likely to die of stroke--probably as a result of an underlying disorder that keeps them from sleeping soundly.
Doctors have their own special sleep problems. Residents are famously short of sleep. It is not unusual for. them to work 40 hours in a row without rest. They are not in the least worried about it, confident they can still deliver the highest quality of medical care. But an article in the Journal of the American Medical Association points out that in the morning after 24 hours of sleeplessness, a person' s motor performance is comparable to that of someone who is drunk. Curiously, surgeons who believe that operating under the influence of alcohol is grounds for sacking often don' t think twice about operating without enough sleep.
"I could tell you horror stories," says Jaya Agrawal, president of the American Medical Student Association, which runs a website for residents. Some are terrifying." I was operating after being up for over 36 hours," one writes. "I literally fell asleep standing up and nearly planted my face into the wound."
"Practically every surgical resident I know has fallen asleep at the wheel driving home from work," writes another. "I know of three who have hit parked cars. Another hit a 'Jersey gate' on the New Jersey Expressway, going 105kin/h."
"Your own patients have become the enemy," writes a third, because they are "the one thing that stands between you and a few hours of sleep."
The U.S. controls the hours of pilots and truck drivers. But until such a system is in place for doctors, patients are on their own. If you're worded about the people treating you or a loved one, you should feel free to ask how many hours of sleep they have had and if more rested staffers are available.
Sleep is a funny thing because ______.
A.the longer one sleeps, the less sound sleep he gets
B.the more sleep one gets, the more likely a stroke occurs
C.many people stick to about eight hours of sleep to stay fine
D.many people who sleep six hours a night still feel energetic in the day
Do other animals besides humans cry? The answer to the question is ‘Yes, and no’. All animals with mobile eyes have the ability to cry, just as we humans do. They have a tearing system that keeps their eyes wet so as to protect them from dry sand, dusts, and other elements. People often tell tales of animals such as elephants and dogs weeping when punished. However, even if such an animal does shed tears, there is no scientific evidence that the animal is expressing the tear-related emotions similar to those when humans cry. But what about when a baby chimp or ape whimpers and screams when it’s being separated from its mother, can we say with some certainty that the animal is crying? Taking away the babies does encourage care-giving such as feeding and protecting from the mother apes, but it is uncertain whether the baby apes feel the same way as baby humans do when they cry. In fact, it’s not clear that crying and other emotional displays mean exactly the same thing to all humans. For instance, there is a wide range of emotions that prompt people to cry, and some kinds of weeping, such as crying at a stranger’s wedding, seem to be cultural responses. In addition, some people are autistic. That means they prefer being alone than being with other people, especially in large crowds. These people are said to have less ability in expressing their emotions, but research also has shown that it’s more that their expressions and their reactions to the emotional expressions of others are unusual. Different. But does that mean that their sadness is different somehow? So even if apes can be said with some certainty to be feeling emotions, then there is the problem of figuring out to what extent what they feel resembles what humans feel.
10.What does the author mean by “Yes, and no” in line 1, paragraph 1?
A. Other animals besides humans cry
B. No other animals besides humans cry
C. Animals cry but do not cry like humans
D. Animals cry but humans do not cry
11.Which of the following statement is true?
A. All animals have mobile eyes
B. All animals have a tearing system
C. Tearing system keeps animals’ eyes wet
D. Animals cry when being punished
12.Baby chimps or apes cry because__________.
A. they are being separated from their mothers
B. the reason is not clear
C. they feel the same way as baby humans do
D. they need to be fed and protected
13.Why human beings cry?
A. There a wide range of reasons.
B. People cry because they attend a stranger’s wedding.
C. Crying means exactly the same thing to all humans.
D. Because of cultural responses.
14.It can be inferred from the passage that __________.
A. it is uncertain to say to what extent apes feel the same emotions as humans
B. it is sure that apes can feel emotions
C. some people prefer being alone because they’re not good at communication
D. people’s emotions are different

It’s summer.In the United States,it’s the season of swimming pools,barbeques,camping and road trips. Road trip vacations where the car journey is part of the fun are especially popular with college students, who like to explore the country on wheels.These budget trips are ideal for students who often have plenty of free time but little money. “Ever since I went to college,Pve been traveling around a lot, exploring the country,” said Austin Hawkins, a 19-year-Old college student from New York.This summer, Hawkins and his friends have spent weekends traveling in New England. The best part about car trips,said Hawkins,is that you can be spontaneous.“On a road trip,if you get interested in tilings you see along the way you can stop and explore.” Matt Roberts, a 20-year-old student from Ohio who drove to Montreal, Canada, agrees.With road trips you don’t have to plan in advance,you can just get into a car and drive.” Even with high gas prices, driving with friends is cheaper than flying.Roberts paid about 40 dollars for gas, but a round trip plane ticket would have cost nearly 400 dollars. Driving trips first became popular in the 1920s.Newly paved roads and improved cars made it possible to travel longer distances.Motels started appearing outside cities. By the 1950s, car ownership became the norm.Construction of the US interstate highway system began in 1956 and motel and restaurant chains popped up everywhere making long distance trips easier. Today, the US has the highest car ownership rate in the world.Only 8 percent of American homes have no car, according to the most recent US census. Though many college students don’t own a car, most have access to one.On many of Hawkins’trips, they used a borrowed van. Hawkins’most memorable road trip took place over spring break.He and two friends drove from New York to New Orleans to volunteer, helping rebuild the city after Hurricane Katrina hit it last July.They crossed the country in two days and slept in their car in church parking lots. Roberts? road trip to Canada last winter was even more eventful.Upon arriving in Montreal, they were lost in a blizzard and shivering in the -25°cold.To find their hotel, they turned on a laptop and drove around in circles until they found a spot with wireless Internet coverage. “I know we should have planned better, but we’re youn
A.Now, when I see those guys I always say:‘Remember when we were lost in the snow storm!’I’ll never forget that.” Which of the following statements is NOT true of American college students?
B.They have little money
C.They like traveling by bike.
D.They like to explore the country.D.They often have plenty of time.
What will Hawkins do when he sees something interesting on a road trip?
A.He will turn back
B.He will drive around.
C.He will stop to explor
D.He will stop exploring.
When did motels suddenly appear everywhere?A.After the work to build the interstate highway system started.
B.When driving trips became popular.
C.After many roads were paved.
D.After new cars were made.
Which of the following words can best describe Hawkins? trip to New Orleans?A.Eventful
The word“blizzard”in paragraph 12 means_________.A.snow storm

The California lawmakers voted Thursday to raise the legal age to buy tobacco products from 18 to 21. The measure is part of a larger package of laws aimed at reducing tobacco use. If Gover-nor Jerry Brown signs the bill, California will become the second state, after Hawaii, to raise the age limit for buying cigarettes and other tobacco products. More than 100 cities in the U. S., inclu-ding New York and Boston, have already raised the age limit.
A week ago, the Caiifomia Assembly approved the measure, which--in addition to raising the age limit--treats electronic cigarettes the same as tobacco products, expands smoke-free areas, in-creases smoking bans and allows counties to collect higher taxes on cigarettes than the 87-cent per pack state tax. The Assembly&39; s vote came a few days after the city of San Francisco increased the age to buy tobacco products to 21.
California lawmakers passed the bill despite lobbying (游说)from tobacco interests. The meas-ure also faced opposition from many Republicans, who said the state should not be involved in po-licing people&39; s personal choices. "I don&39; t smoke. I don&39; t encourage my children to," said Re-publican Assemblyman Donald Wagner. "But they&39; re adults, and it&39; s our job to treat our citizens as adults. "
But supporters of the bill say raising the age to 21 moves legally purchased tobacco that much farther from younger kids. " This will save the medical system millions of dollars," said Democratic Assemblyman Jim Wood. (76 ) "It will save thousands of lives. " A 2015 study by the Institute of Medicine "found that if the minimum legal age to buy tobacco were raised to 21 nation-wide, tobacco use would drop by 12 percent by the time today&39; s teens reached adulthood. In addi-tion, there would be 223,000 fewer premature (过早的) deaths and 50,000 fewer deaths from lung cancer. "
Which of the following is the first state to raise smoking age to 21?
C.New York.
The California law includes all the following measures EXCEPT__________.A.enlarging no-smoking areas
B.allowing counties to collect higher taxes on cigarettes
C.increasing smoking bans
D.punishing parents who encourage their children to smoke
The word policing in Paragraph 3 probably means__________.A.enriching
Who is against the bill?A.Governor Jerry Brown.
B.Assemblyman Donald Wagner.
C.Assemblyman Jim Wood
E.The mayor of San Francisco.
Which of the following is an appropriate title for the passage?A.Calitbrnia Lawmakers Vote to Raise Smoking Age to 21
B.San Francisco Increased the Age to Buy Tobacco Products to 21
C.Hawaii Has Already Raised the Age Limit to Buy Tobacco
D.A California Bill Faces Opposition from Many Republicans

Perpetual inventory system

The ABS(Anti-lock Brake System) consists of a/an().

A、Electronic Control Unit

B、Electronic System

C、Electronic Control Module

()How much--Thirty-five yuan

A、it is

B、re the sneaker

C、re the shoes

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