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听力原文: In New Zealand, where sheep outnumber people 15 to one, folks know how to party. This weekend's bash promises to be the biggest in long while. Five top chefs have been dispatched across the fjords and through the forests to find the best ingredients for a massive feast. A renowned glassmaker--who sometimes crafts custom windshields for Ferraris and lamps for Arabian palaces--has created 450 dessert plates just for the occasion. Maori tribesmen will dance. But even so, this feast could flop. That's because the annual summit of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation forum rarely generates much excitement.

APEC was founded in 1989, when Asia was a place of miracles, but much has changed in the decade since. Japan's stock market is still worth less than half its peak at the end of 1989, and much of the rest of the region is still trying to recover from the financial turmoil that began in the summer of 1997. Even now, with the South Korean and Thai economies expected to grow this year and Japan's economy showing signs of life, the International Monetary Fund warns that Asia's recovery is "precarious".

You'd think that the Asian crisis might have given APEC a sense of mission. But think again. The leaders are likely to avoid ideological lectures redevelopment that have stirred East-West tensions at previous meetings. MIT economist Paul Krugman recently declared APEC "an empty shell", and even APEC's own Business Advisory Council delivered a harsh assessment just last month. "APEC has at times lost sight of its own goals," the business executives charged, noting that member countries had been sluggish in pursuing free trade and investment.

On specific, substantive issues--like liberalization of sectors including food and autos--APEC has foisted responsibility on the WTO. That's partly because the WTO makes binding decisions on trade issues, while APEC "is not an organization really structured for action, says Charles E. Morrison, president of the East-West Center in Hawaii. Unlike the European Union, which makes majority decisions, APEC is a much looser grouping that adopts nonbinding measures.

The need for consensus makes it even harder to expect anything dazzling from Auckland. APEC leaders might endorse financial transparency and more efficient investment, and they'll try to agree on priorities for the upcoming WTO ministerial talks. But if those talks fizzle, what then? Bored officials can always turn their attention to New Zealand's 36,000 flocks of sheep--and rest up for the meatier WTO conference in November.

From the passage we can see, the author is quite ______ with the prospect of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation forum.






更多“听力原文: In New Zealand, wh…”相关的问题
You don’t have to be afraid of being eaten there in New Zealand because it has few predatory creatures.





听力原文:In the next few decades people are going to travel very differently from the way
听力原文: In the next few decades people are going to travel very differently from the way they do today. Everyone is going to drive electrically powered cars. So in a few years people won't worry about running out of gas.
Some of the large automobile companies are really moving ahead with this new technology. F & C Motors, a major auto company, for example, is holding a press conference next week. At the press conference the company will present its new, electronically operated models.
Transportation in the future won't be limited to the ground. Many people predict that traffic will quickly move to the sky. In the coming years, instead of radio reports about road conditions and highway traffic, news reports will talk about traffic jams in the sky.
But the sky isn't the limit. In the future, you'll probably even be able to take a trip to the moon. Instead of listening to regular airplane announcements, you'll hear someone say, "The spacecraft to the moon leaves in ten minutes. Please check your equipment. And remember, no more than ten ounces of carry-on baggage are allowed."
A.Synthetic fuel.
B.Solar energy.

听力原文:Most summer school courses in Britain last for two to four weeks. During that tim
听力原文: Most summer school courses in Britain last for two to four weeks. During that time the students live either with a British family, or at the school, or in a hotel. They have about 15 hours of lessons every Monday to Friday--usually in the morning. Each school has a lot of different courses. Some are for beginners and others are for intermediate or advanced students. The lessons are time the classes are small and the teachers are all from English-speaking countries.
But summer school students don't just speak English in the classroom. They are in Britain, so they speak and read and hear it outside too. That's why they learn so quickly and why a summer school course is really a holiday. Only one third of each course is taught in the classroom. The rest takes place during a busy afternoon and evening timetable of visits, sports and games. These activities help everyone to make new friends, have fun and improve their English.
A.Courses in British history.
B.Language courses.
C.Courses in sports.
D.Teacher training courses.

听力原文:W: May I help you?M: Yes, [22] my wife and I want to take a vacation this winter
听力原文:W: May I help you?
M: Yes, [22] my wife and I want to take a vacation this winter to some place warmer.
W: I understand. How much time do you have?
M: Only a week between Christmas and the New Year. That is the problem, you see.
W: Oh, no problem at all. I can get you on a flight to sunny Spain and Portugal leaving on Christmas and coming back New Year's Eve. And it will only cost you $500 a round trip.
M: Only $500? [23] We were thinking of something less. $1,000 is a lot to spend for such a short time. [23] If we had a month maybe, not just a week.
W: [24] Do you know about the Florida Fun tour the airline offers? Everything is reserved for you. Your flight, a reserved hotel room, meals, and they even get you to and from the airport in Miami.
M: Actually we don't go in much for arranged tours. We like to do all that for ourselves.
W: Well, in that case, maybe we could just arrange your flight and the rest to you.
M: What else do you have to offer? Florida is not exactly our idea of a great vacation. What about some place a little different where few tourists go?
W: Oh, some place like Arizona, right? [25] Or maybe New Mexico? Sunny, but quiet, relaxing.
M: Yeah, that sounds better—New Mexico. I'll talk to my wife about it and then return.
A.In a department store.
B.At a travel agency.
C.At an airport ticket counter.
D.At a hotel.
央视国际频道经常出现很多的国家和地区名称。其中,新西兰英文名为New Zealand,又叫纽西兰。那你觉得国际金融中心纽约(Newyork)这个地名的原意是什么()





The total area of land on earth is about 149 million square kilometers, or about 29 percent of the total area of the earth.
The average height of the land is about 750 metres above the sea level. The Eurasian(欧亚大陆的) land mass is the largest with an area of 54,527,600 square kilometers. The smallest continent is the Australian mainland, with an area of about 7,614,600 square kilometers, which together with Tasmania, New Zealand, New Guinea and the Pacific Islands, is described as Oceania.The total area of Oceania is about 8,935,500 square kilometres, including West Iran which is political in Asia.
The world's largest peninsula(半岛) is Arabia, with an area of about 3,327,500 square kilometres. The largest island in the world is Greenland, with an area of about 2,175,600 square kilometres.
The largest island surrounded by fresh water is the Ilha de Marajo (4,022 square kilometres) in the mouth of the Amazon River, Brazil. The largest island in a lake is Manitoulin Island (2,766 square kilometres) in the Canadian section of Lake Huron. This island itself has on it a lake of 106 square kilometres called Manitou Lake, in which there are several islands.
1)、The total area of the world is about 211 million square kilometers.
2)、The area of Tasmania, New Zealand, New Guinea and the Pacific Islands adds up to about 1,320,900 square kilometres.
3)、Oceania is made up of Australia, New Guinea and the Pacific Islands.
4)、As mentioned in the passage there are several islands in Manitou Lake.
5)、The largest island surrounded by fresh water is in a river.
听力原文: People in Poland take their pleasure seriously. They like to have an aim even when spending the time which is entirely their own. During the summer, people start work very early in the morning so that they can finish early and enjoy a leisurely afternoon. It is difficult to imagine Polish people going aimlessly for a walk in the country, though they might go to pick wild fruit, to visit a place of historical importance or to walk 20km as a training exercise. They are often admired for their immense enjoyment of the arts. All parks are beautifully eared and are for the use and enjoyment of the people. Quite ordinary people will talk with obvious delight about concerts. There is nearly always a crowd at the door of the theatre, asking for returned tickets. People in Poland now have far more leisure time and more money than ever before. It is therefore possible to spend the weekends in many new ways. Many people now have over 20 days holiday a year. This provides an opportunity for holidays in the country or at the seaside.
To spend their leisure time, Polish people ______.
A.often go for walks
B.usually have a specific purpose in mind
C.prefer the seaside
D.seldom make plans in advance

听力原文:The estimated one-fifth of children in London's schools who cannot read simple se
听力原文: The estimated one-fifth of children in London's schools who cannot read simple sentences by the age of eight should be given special help. This is the main conclusion of an independent report on London's 700 primary schools. The report, which is the result of a year's work, tells London's primary schools that they must demand more of their children.
Most parents were happy with the schools, but some said that their children's pace of learning might be too slow. The report confirmed this by stating that much of the new work must have been taught at the same level of difficulty as the old.
The report emphasized that children should not be tortured but more should have been expected of them in schools. This would mean that some children might have achieved much more than the limited demands made on them by comprehension exercises or copying out from textbooks.
Mrs. Morrel, who commissioned the report, said that all London's schools must put into effect a framework of reform. Every child ought to be able to read by the age of eight.
Other reforms mentioned in the report were that parents should be better represented on school governing committees and that each school ought to draw up a development plan, listing what improvements it can make. Parents should also be represented on the education committee.
A.They should not be too strict with the children.
B.They should limit their demands on some children.
C.They should demand more of their children.
D.They should demand more of the bright children.

听力原文:There student thieves look out. Students can easily get many research papers off
听力原文: There student thieves look out. Students can easily get many research papers off the Internet. A new Website could help teachers catch copiers.
Some students research and write their term papers. Others, however, just copy them off the Internet and turn them in as their work.
Two graduate students at the University of California at Berkeley have written a program to catch the students who copy. It compares a student's paper with every other term paper on the Web.
A hundred million Web pages on the Internet are searched. The top 20 search engines are used for the search. This service can be found at www. Plagiarism.com. They also have a local database of term papers. Teachers who sign up can send their students' 'papers to the Website. Within 24 hours they know if the student did the work. Every sentence that was a word-for-word match with another sentence either found on the Internet or within our database is coded.
A U. C. Berkeley professor told his class he would use the program. Still some students copied papers. All 300 papers went through the program. In 45 papers or 15 percent of students had cut and pasted large amounts of material from different World Wide Websites.
Students that say they didn't copy can defend themselves. They can show the instructor where they got their material. Students at universities try hard to get good grades. Some students welcome the Internet research watchdog because they say it is fair to all. They think copying is wrong.
Instead of researching and writing their papers, some students ______.
A.ask other students to write their papers
B.draw pictures instead
C.copy from reference books
D.copy papers or large parts of papers from the Internet
听力原文: For many years, T-shirts were short sleeved undershirts only for men and boys. T-shirts used to be of one color—white. And since they were worn under shirts, they were generally not seen.
Today things have changed a lot. T-shirts has become colorful and fashionable. It can be seen almost everywhere and on everyone. Women and children wear T-shirts as well as teenagers, university students and men from all walks of life. T-shirts are worn on the playground, on the beach or in town. They can also be worn for work. Because the T-shirts are relatively inexpensive, smart, comfortable and convenient to wear, they have become one of the newest ideas in fashion over the world.
Although T-shirts are now available in a wide variety of bright materials and styles, the most popular kind is the traditional cotton T-shirts with a slogan or a picture printed on the front. A T-shirt may bear a single word, a popular phrase, pictures of sportsmen, or an advertisement. As T-shirts are becoming more and more popular, new designs are coming up all the time.
When do people usually wear T-shirts?
A.When they take part in sports.
B.When they watch a film.
C.When they go shopping.
D.When they read a book.

听力原文:W: I haven't seen Mike for years. How is he getting along?M:I came across him in
听力原文:W: I haven't seen Mike for years. How is he getting along?
M:I came across him in the street only yesterday and he told me that he was having trouble with his new business.
W: He has set up another business? I knew nothing about it.
M: He managed a shop last year selling sport clothes but it soon went bankrupt. So he changed his mind.
W: What is he doing now?
M: He is managing a bar. And this is also in a pretty bad stale.
W: Sorry to hear that, but that should be what he's good at.
M: Yes. But he was fined and threatened to close the bar.
W: What went wrong?
M: He's only licensed to sell beer, but he sold hard drinks.
W: He should have minded his steps. But that shouldn't be the reason for...
M: Well... He has had several other setbacks, too.
W: Misfortunes never come alone. What setbacks?
M: The people around him did not support him. Some even tried to play down him.
W: They are jealous, aren't they?
M: Worse than that. Some people even tried to encourage him against his wife, because she wants him to give up the business.
W: I can't believe that.
M: And Mike was in a ruined mood.
W: Let's go and have a good talk with Mike's wife. We need to persuade her to support him.
M: You've taken the words put of my mouth.
A.In a shop today.
B.In a street today.
C.In the street yesterday.
D.In a shop yesterday.

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