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Every so often ,she spends a weekend in London.()

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It was hot work, but () Susan would bring us something cold to drink.

A、every so often

B、every how

C、each so often

D、each now and again


A、His daughter usually take a car to school

B、Our son seldom rides a bike to school by bike

C、They every day go to school by bus

D、She often goes to school by the subway

E、He twice a week goes to work on foot

F、Your parents always go to work on the bus

When Mrs. Joseph Groger died recently in Vienna, Austria, people asked, "Why did she live to be 107?" Answers were provided by an investigation made among 148 Viennese 一 men and women who had reached the age of 100. Somewhat surprising was the fact that the majority had lived most their lives in cities. In spite of the city's image as an unhealthy place, city living often provides benefits that country living may lack. One factor seems to be important to these long-lived persons.
This factor is exercise. In the cities, it is often faster and less frustrating to walk short distances than to wait for a bus. Even taking public transportation often requires some walking. Smaller apartment houses have no elevators, and so tenants must climb stairs. City dwellers(居民) can usually walk to local supermarkets. Since parking spaces are hard to find, there is often no alternative to walking.
On the other hand, those who live in the country and suburbs do not have to walk every day. In fact the opposite is often true. To go to school, work or almost anywhere else, they must ride in cars.
1)、The Vienna survey may help to explain the long life of people like Mrs. Groger.
2)、The purpose of the second paragraph is to list some comments made by city dwellers.
3)、To reach the third floor of a building, it would probably be most healthy to walk up the stairs.
4)、Suburban people probably drive rather than walk because they don't need exercises.
5)、We can conclude from the passage that walking is a healthy exercise.
One of the things I am really fond of is the weekly shopping experience. I like toimag
One of the things I am really fond of is the weekly shopping experience. I like to
imagine pushing the trolley slowly around the supermarket and taking anything that
interests me. But my experience is not always so exciting. First it is difficult to get
a shopping trolley. Carefully designed not only to hold all shapes and sizes of
purchases, a single trolley is hard to get out of the line of trolley s where it is
parked. Often one needs the help of two strong men. The next lesson is that women never
follow a logical route when shopping. Your wife has disappeared before you know it.
After ten minutes of searching, when you finally find her in a far corner, she
enquires: “Where have you been all this time, dear?” Supermarket managers are sent on
courses to learn how to tempt the customers and persuade them to buy goods they do not
really need, at prices they are not able afford. As a newcomer, I am often taken in by
their clever techniques, as I take many goods off the shelves. But I am often
discouraged by my wife. “Put it back, dear.” “You’ve tried that before and didn’t
take to it.” “No, it’s too expensive.” After the week’s groceries have been
collected, the last trial is passing through the checkout counter. Never join the
shortest queue. It usually contains several shoppers who pay by writing out a personal
cheque and who wait until all their purchases have been totaled up before beginning a
mad search through their handbags for their cheque books. When the book is found, the
customer never knows the date, asks again for the forgotten total and forgets to put
the address on the back. Don’t be fooled, either, by thinking that this is the end of
the exercise. When the cheque has been carefully examined by the cashier, a bell rings
, and there is a further wait until a supervisor arrives to say that the cheque can be
accepted. Then it is our turn, and the checkout girl is so quick and efficient that we
don’t have time to get our own chequebook ready. But the people who are packing our
shopping are kind and give us friendly smiles When we come once more into the great
outside world, a broken egg is running down my trousers. I hear the voice of my wife
call out: “Oops, dear, mind the trolley.” Shopping!
1. How often does the author go shopping?
A. every day
B. every week
C. every month
D. every year
2. The author does not find his shopping experience always ______.
A. exciting
B. useful
C. embarrassing
D. time-consuming
3.The last trial is ____________________________.
A. collecting groceries
B. passing through the checkout counter
C. having a rest
D. saying goodbye
4. Who comes to check whether the cheque can be accepted.
A. The supervisor
B. The manager
C. The salesgirl
D. The husband
5. When they come into the great outside world, the author finds that ______.
A. he can’t find the car
B. he can’t find his wife
C. a ten-dollar note on the ground
D. a broken egg is running down his trousers

Most human beings actually decide before they think. When any human being—executive, specialized expert, or person in the street—encounters a complex issue and forms an opinion, often within a matter of seconds, how thoroughly has he or she explored the implications of the various courses of action? Answer: not very thoroughly. Very few people, no matter how intelligent or experienced, can take inventory of the many branching possibilities, possible outcomes, side effects, and undesired consequences of a policy or a course of action in a matter of seconds. Yet, those who pride themselves on being decisive often try to do just that. And once their brains lock onto an opinion, most of their thinking thereafter consists of finding support for it.
A very serious side effect of argumentative decision making can be a lack of support for the chosen course of action on the part of the "losing" faction. When one faction wins the meeting and the others see themselves as losing, the battle often doesn't end when the meeting ends. Anger, resentment, and jealousy may lead them to sabotage the decision later, or to reopen the debate at later meetings.
There is a better way. As philosopher Aldous Huxley said, "It isn't who is right, but what is right, that counts."
The structured-inquiry method offers a better alternative to argumentative decision making by debate. With the help of the Internet and wireless computer technology, the gap between experts and executives is now being dramatically closed. By actually putting the brakes on the thinking process, slowing it down, and organizing the flow of logic, it's possible to create a level of clarity that sheer argumentation can never march.
The structured-inquiry process introduces a level of conceptual clarity by organizing the contributions of the experts, then brings the experts and the decision makers closer together. Although it isn't possible or necessary for a president or prime minister to listen in on every intelligence analysis meeting, it's possible to organize the experts' information to give the decision maker much greater insight as to its meaning. This process may somewhat resemble a marketing focus group; it's a simple, remarkably clever way to bring decision makers closer to the source of the expert information and opinions on which they must base their decisions.
From the first paragraph we can learn that______.
A.executive, specialized expert, are no more clever than person in the street
B.very few people decide before they think
C.those who pride themselves on being decisive often fail to do so
D.people tend to consider carefully before making decisions
On the first day of school one of my classmates began a talk with me that changed my life. She said, "Hi, handsome. My name is Rose. Im eighty-seven years old. " "Why are you in college at such an age?" I asked. "I always dreamed of having a college education and now Im getting one!" she told me. After class we walked to the student union building and shared a chocolate milkshake. We became instant friends. At the end of the semester we invited Rose to speak at our football banquet and Ill never forget what she taught us. She cleared her throat and began: "We do not stop playing because we are old; we grow old because we stop playing. There are only four secrets to staying young, being happy and achieving success. You have to laugh and find humor each and every day. Youve got to have a dream. When you lose your dreams, you die. We have so many people walking around who are dead and they dont even know it! There is a giant difference between growing older and growing up. If you are nineteen years old and lie in bed for one full year and dont do one productive thing, you will turn twenty years old. If I am eighty-seven years old and stay in bed for a year and never do anything I will turn eighty-eight. Anybody can grow older. That doesnt take any talent or ability. The idea is to grow up by always finding the opportunity in change. Have no regrets. The elderly usually dont have regrets for what we did, but rather for things we did not do. The only people who fear death are those with regrets. " She concluded her speech by courageously singing "The Rose. " She challenged each of us to study the lyrics and live them out in our daily lives. At the years end, Rose finished the college degree she had begun all those years before. One week after graduation Rose died peacefully in her sleep. Over two thousand college students attended her funeral in tribute to the wonderful woman who taught by example that its never too late to be all you can possibly be.
What is the meaning of "We became instant friends. " in Paragraph 4?
A.We became friends right away.
B.We never talked to each other after then.
C.We did not keep our friendship for a long time.
D.We often helped each other after making friends.

Mr. Young ran his own business and worked very hard. His wife was afraid that he would get sick if he continued like that, so she often tried to get him to take a vacation. At last she managed to persuade him to do so, and she hoped that he would be able to enjoy his vacation without any disturbance, so before they left, Mrs. Young went to see her husband's secretary. She said to her, "My husband needs a vacation very much, so whatever happens, please don't bother him with telegrams and letters about business problems while we are away. Just wait till we get back."
After Mr. and Mrs. Young had been away about a week, Mr. Young received a letter from his secretary which said, "Something terrible happened to your business, but I'm not going to bother you with it while you are enjoying your vacation."
1)、Mr. Young was the owner of a private business.
2)、Mrs. Young worried about her husband's business.
3)、Mrs. Young was afraid that her husband's vacation might be spoilt.
4)、The secretary didn't explain in her letter what had happened to Mr.Young's business, because she didn't want to spoil Mr. Young's vacation.
5)、You can learn from the story that Mr. Young had a stupid secretary.
Corryvale Farm Corryvale Farm is in the west of England. Stephen and Jenny Blackler keep c
Corryvale Farm
Corryvale Farm is in the west of England. Stephen and Jenny Blackler keep cows and chickens and sell milk and eggs. But most of their money comes from Jenny's sheep.
She has 50 sheep and each one has enough wool for six sweaters. Every six months, Stephen cuts this wool off the sheep so they won't get too warm. Five years ago, Jenny made some sweaters with the wool and tried to sell them at country markets. But it was summer and the weather was hot so people didn't want to buy sweaters. She then made some socks. Everybody loved them because they were cheap, strong and easy to wash.
That's how Jenny's business started. At first she made the socks at home, but soon she had thousands of customers so she bad to send the wool to a factory, where all the socks are now made on machines. There are six colours, five sizes for all ages, and different socks for walkers, sportsmen and skiers. Jenny is busiest at Christmas because Corryvale socks are a favourite present. On the walls of Jenny's office, there are lots of letters from happy customers all over the world.
Jenny only gets wool from her sheep once a year.
C.Doesn't say
The challenges faced by all child protection caseworkers are obvious (1) is often not so obvious
The challenges faced by all child protection caseworkers are obvious (1) is often not so obvious are the many rewards a caseworker career (2) People often ask (3) anybody in their right mind would want to be a child protection caseworker, habitually dealing (4) the most disadvantaged and troubled families in their community. Caseworkers routinely (5) disturbing cases of child abuse and neglect, and clients who are not cooperative. Being a caseworker means being an agent of positive change, (6) when the welfare sector is not just a job to you, (7) a professional vocation.
Child protection is a difficult and (8) career path to follow, but the rewards do exist. Many of our caseworkers choose this career path out of a desire to (9) to the community. To be part of a process can (10) change a family's life, and caseworkers may (11) their intervention equip a young person so that his or her future (12) are improved. Of course, this does not (13) with every intervention. But when it happens, it is a(n) (14) experience. And if you are wondering whether this experience makes the job worthwhile, the answer is YES!
A good indicator of how outside people (15) the caseworker career has been the feedback from university students. In 2006 there were 118 students on placements (实习) of caseworker career. Those students who completed their placements in child protection told us about the great (16) they have had to (17) theory to practice; the many chances of learning new skills and trying new tasks; the sound knowledge (18) through training; and how (19) becoming familiar with different welfare services was (20) their future career.
The challenges faced by all child protection caseworkers are obvious (1) is often not so obvious
The challenges faced by all child protection caseworkers are obvious (1) is often not so obvious are the many rewards a caseworker career (2) People often ask (3) anybody in their right mind would want to be a child protection caseworker, habitually dealing (4) the most disadvantaged and troubled families in their community. Caseworkers routinely (5) disturbing cases of child abuse and neglect, and clients who are not cooperative. Being a caseworker means being an agent of positive change, (6) when the welfare sector is not just a job to you, (7) a professional vocation.
Child protection is a difficult and (8) career path to follow, but the rewards do exist. Many of our caseworkers choose this career path out of a desire to (9) to the community. To be part of a process can (10) change a family's life, and caseworkers may (11) their intervention equip a young person so that his or her future (12) are improved. Of course, this does not (13) with every intervention. But when it happens, it is a(n) (14) experience. And if you are wondering whether this experience makes the job worthwhile, the answer is YES!
A good indicator of how outside people (15) the caseworker career has been the feedback from university students. In 2006 there were 118 students on placements (实习) of caseworker career. Those students who completed their placements in child protection told us about the great (16) they have had to (17) theory to practice; the many chances of learning new skills and trying new tasks; the sound knowledge (18) through training; and how (19) becoming familiar with different welfare services was (20) their future career.
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