题目内容 (请给出正确答案)
Had you come five minutes earlier, you________the train to Birmingham. But now you missed it.

Had you come five minutes earlier, you________the train to Birmingham. But now you missed it.

A、would catch

B、would have caught

C、could catch

更多“Had you come five minute…”相关的问题
Had you come five minutes earlier, you ____ the train to Beijing. But now you missed it.
A、would have caught
B、would catch
C、could catch
If you had come here yesterday, you ___him。A. would seeB. would have seenC. sawD. had
If you had come here yesterday, you ___him。
A. would see
B. would have seen
C. saw
D. had seen

A、the doctor should come to see you

B、the doctor had better see you

C、you would better see the doctor

— Thank you for your invitation.


A、Thank you for coming!

B、I really had a nice time!

C、Please come again!

D、Oh, it’s too late!

— Why didn't you come to my birthday party yesterday?rn— _______A、Excuse me, my fri

A、Excuse me, my friend sent me a flower.

B、Fine, I never go to birthday parties.

C、Ha…ha, I like swimmin

D、Sorry, but my wife had a car accident.

ICE-FISHING If you drive north from Toronto for three hours, you come to Lake Nipissing. I
If you drive north from Toronto for three hours, you come to Lake Nipissing. In winter, the lake becomes ice, and thousands of Canadian fishermen travel there each weekend. They build Little houses of wood on the ice and point them in bright colours. Then they sit inside to catch the fish that swim under the ice.
Bob Marvisch has come here at this time of year for twenty-five years. 'You need clothes that are light but worm: two pairs of socks and gloves, several thin sweaters and a snow suit on top. Catching the fish is easy,' he says. 'First you break the ice and make a small round hole in it. Next you take a fishing line and put some bread on it. Then you put the line through the hole and into the water. You pull the line up when the fish eat the bread. They are between ten and twenty centimetres Long. Some people Like to eat them, but when I have caught three or four fish, I prefer to have some chocolate or other snack! Today I have caught twenty- five! It's a great sport and you can meet some nice people here!
Fishermen only use the houses on Lake Nipissing in winter.
C.Doesn't say
阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。London's River
London's River Thames has twenty-seven bridges. But Tower Bridge, the first bridge over the Thames as you travel to London from the sea, is the most famous of them all. What makes Tower Bridge so exciting? Why do visitors come from all over the world to see it?
The thing that is surprising about Tower Bridge is that it is open in the middle. It does this to let the big ships through to the Pool of London. If you are lucky enough to see the bridge with its two opening arms high in the air, you will never forget it.
On its north side stands the Tower of London itself. Although they look the same age, the Tower is almost a thousand years old, and Tower Bridge is only about one hundred, it was built in the 1890s. By1850, everyone agreed that a bridge across the Thames near the Tower was most necessary. But the designers argued about the new bridge for another thirtyyears. This took so long because they had two big problems.
l. Tower Bridge is {A、B、C}.
A. about one thousand years old
B. the oldest and the most famous bridge in London
C. the first one you can see when you go from the sea to London
2. The Tower of London is {A、B、C}.
A. across from the Thames
B. on the north of Tower Bridge
C. in the middle of Tower Bridge
3. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? {A、B、C}
A. You can see the bridge with its two opening arms high in the air at anytime.
B. By 1850 everybody thought it most necessary to have a bridge built across the Thames near the Tower.
C. It took the designers thirty years to argue about the bridge before it was built.
4. Why is the bridge open in the middle? {A、B、C}
A. To make it special.
B. To attract (吸引) more people from the world to see it.
C. To let the big ship through to the Pool of London.
5. How long was the Tower Bridge built? {A、B、C}
A. A thousand years.
B. A hundred years.
C. Five thousand years.
听力原文:M: Hi. I have a reservation for tonight.W: And your name?M: It's Nelson. Charles
听力原文:M: Hi. I have a reservation for tonight.
W: And your name?
M: It's Nelson. Charles Nelson.
W: Okay. Mr. Nelson. That's a room for five, and...
M: Excuse me? Do you mean a room for five dollars? I didn't know the special was so good.
W: No, no, no. According to our records, a room for five guests was booked under your name.
M: No. No. Hold on. There must be some mistake.
W: Okay. Let's check again. Okay, Mr. Charles
C.Nelson for tonight....
M: Ah. There's the problem. My name is Charles Nelson, not Charles C. Nelson. You must have two guests under the name.
W: Okay. Let me check again. Oh. Okay. Here we are. Charles Nelson. A room for one for the 19th....
M: Wait, wait! It was for tonight. Not tomorrow night.
W: Hum. I don't think we have any rooms for tonight. There's a convention going on in town, and uh, let's see. Yeah, no rooms.
M: Ah come on! You must have something. Anything.
W: Well. Let me check my computer here. Ah! There has been a cancellation for this evening. A honeymoon suite is now available.
M: Great. I'll take it.
W: But I'll have to charge you two hundred fifty dollars for the night.
M: Ah. I should get a discount for the inconvenience.
W: Well. The best I can give you is a ten percent discount plus a ticket for a free breakfast.
M: Hey. Isn't the breakfast free anyway?
W: Well, only on weekends.
M: Okay. That'll be fine.
A.The hotel clerk confused him with another guest.
B.Rooms were overbooked for that evening.
C.There were no more rooms available for five people.
D.The price for the room was higher than he expected.
Tom was ten years old. One day his friend Jack said to him,"I am going to have a birthday party on Saturday. Tom, can you come to my(1)?" "I'll be glad to,"answered Tom.

Tom told his mother and she said, "You can go.(2)don't ask for some food." Tom said, "All right, Mum." He was happy.

On Saturday Tom went to Jack's house(3). There were a lot of children at the party. They played and sang "Happy Birthday" to Jack. They had a good time. And then Jack's mother gave them some food, but she forgot to give Tom (4). There was only a plate in front of him. He thought to himself, "I'd better wait." He waited politely for some time and then he put his plate on his head and said, "(5)anyone want a nice and clean plate?"














D.by car





D.by car







Onceuponatimeapoorfarmertakingasackofwheattothemilldidnotknow 【B1】 todowhenitslippedfromhi
Once upon a time a poor farmer taking a sack of wheat to the mill did not know 【B1】 to do when it slipped from his horse and fell 【B2】 the road. The sack was 【B3】 heavy for him to 【B4】,and his only hope was that 【B5】 some one would come riding by and 【B6】a hand.
It was not long 【B7】 a rider appeared,but the farmer’s heart sank when he 【B8】 him ,for it was the great man who lived in a castle nearby. The farmer 【B9】 have dared to ask 【B10】 farmer to help, or any poor man who might have come 【B11】 the road,but he could not beg a 【B12】 of so great a man. 【B13】,as soon as the great man came up he got 【B14】 his horse, saying ul see you’ve had bad luck, friend. How good it is 【B15】 V m here just at the 【B16】 time. ’’Then he took one 【B17】 of the sack, the farmer the other, and between them they lifted it on the horse.
“Sir,” asked the farmer, “how can I pay you?”
“Easily enough,” the great man 【B18】 . “Whenever you see 【B19】 else in trouble, 【B20】 the same for him.”

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