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The shy girl never shares her worries with other people.She always keeps it().

A、for her

B、for herself

C、to herself

D、to himself

更多“The shy girl never share…”相关的问题
Ellen used to be a shy, _________ girl, but now she is outgoing.
A. reserved
B. inner
C. confident
D. dependent

In 1977 , a dead author of detective stories saved the life of a nineteen-month-old b
In 1977 , a dead author of detective stories saved the life of a nineteen-month-old baby in a most unusual way. The author was Agatha Christie, a gentle married lady and one of the most successful writers of detective stories in the world.
In June 1977 , a baby girl became seriously ill in Qatar (卡塔尔) , near Sandi Arabia(沙特阿拉伯) . Doctors were unable to find out the cause of her illness, so she was flown to London and sent to Hammersmith Hospital. A team of doctors hurried to examine the baby only to discover that they, too, were puzzled by the very unusual signs of illness. While they were having a discussion about the baby's illness, a nurse asked to speak to them.
―Excuse me,‖ said Nurse Marsha Maitland, ―but I think the baby is suffering from thallium poisoning(铊中毒) .‖
―What makes you think that‖ Dr. Brown asked. ―Thallium poisoning is very rare.‖
―A few days ago, I was reading a novel called A Pale Horse' by Agatha Christie,‖ Nurse Maitland explained.“In the book, somebody uses thallium poison, and all the signs are exactly the same as the baby' s . ”
―You are very careful and you may be right,‖ another doctor said. ―we‘ll carry out some tests and find out whether it' s thallium(铊) or not.‖
Tests showed that the baby had indeed been poisoned by thallium. Once they knew the cause of the illness, the doctors were able to give the baby the correct treatment. She soon recovered and was sent back to Qatar. Later on it was proved that the poison might have come from an insecticide(杀虫剂) used in Qatar.
(1). Who first suggested the correct cause of the baby's illness ().
A、A Doctor in Qatar.
B、Nurse Maitland.
C、Dr. Brown.
D、Agatha Christie.
(2). Why was the baby sent to London ().
A、She was a British girl whose parents were working in Qatar.
B、The hospitals in Qatar were full at that time.
C、She was the daughter of a doctor in one of the places.
D、The Qatar doctors were not sure they could cure her.
(3). As far as we can tell from passage, Agatha Christie. ()
A、had never even met this baby.
B、had spent a long time as a police officer.
C、visited the baby in the hospital at Hammersmith.
D、gave Nurse Maitland some advice on the phone .
(4). Nurse Maitland spoke to the doctors().
A、when she heard them discussing the possibility of thallium poison.
B、because she could see that the doctors had made a mistake.
C、to suggest a possible reason for the patient' s illness.
D、after she had read about a horse which had been poisoned.
(5). What did the doctor think of the suggestion which Nurse Maitland made ().
A、They were very quick to agree with her.
B、They were unhappy over her interruption.
C、They said that she was wrong because thallium poisoning is very rare.
D、They thought it was a possibility worth considering.

给下列单词排序成一个正确的句子,正确的一项是girl 、Who's、that()

A、That who's girl

B、Who's girl that

C、Who's that girl

——()that girl——She's Amy




My sister used to study in a ().

A、girl school

B、girls' s school

C、girls school

D、girl' s school

One of the things I am really fond of is the weekly shopping experience. I like toimag
One of the things I am really fond of is the weekly shopping experience. I like to
imagine pushing the trolley slowly around the supermarket and taking anything that
interests me. But my experience is not always so exciting. First it is difficult to get
a shopping trolley. Carefully designed not only to hold all shapes and sizes of
purchases, a single trolley is hard to get out of the line of trolley s where it is
parked. Often one needs the help of two strong men. The next lesson is that women never
follow a logical route when shopping. Your wife has disappeared before you know it.
After ten minutes of searching, when you finally find her in a far corner, she
enquires: “Where have you been all this time, dear?” Supermarket managers are sent on
courses to learn how to tempt the customers and persuade them to buy goods they do not
really need, at prices they are not able afford. As a newcomer, I am often taken in by
their clever techniques, as I take many goods off the shelves. But I am often
discouraged by my wife. “Put it back, dear.” “You’ve tried that before and didn’t
take to it.” “No, it’s too expensive.” After the week’s groceries have been
collected, the last trial is passing through the checkout counter. Never join the
shortest queue. It usually contains several shoppers who pay by writing out a personal
cheque and who wait until all their purchases have been totaled up before beginning a
mad search through their handbags for their cheque books. When the book is found, the
customer never knows the date, asks again for the forgotten total and forgets to put
the address on the back. Don’t be fooled, either, by thinking that this is the end of
the exercise. When the cheque has been carefully examined by the cashier, a bell rings
, and there is a further wait until a supervisor arrives to say that the cheque can be
accepted. Then it is our turn, and the checkout girl is so quick and efficient that we
don’t have time to get our own chequebook ready. But the people who are packing our
shopping are kind and give us friendly smiles When we come once more into the great
outside world, a broken egg is running down my trousers. I hear the voice of my wife
call out: “Oops, dear, mind the trolley.” Shopping!
1. How often does the author go shopping?
A. every day
B. every week
C. every month
D. every year
2. The author does not find his shopping experience always ______.
A. exciting
B. useful
C. embarrassing
D. time-consuming
3.The last trial is ____________________________.
A. collecting groceries
B. passing through the checkout counter
C. having a rest
D. saying goodbye
4. Who comes to check whether the cheque can be accepted.
A. The supervisor
B. The manager
C. The salesgirl
D. The husband
5. When they come into the great outside world, the author finds that ______.
A. he can’t find the car
B. he can’t find his wife
C. a ten-dollar note on the ground
D. a broken egg is running down his trousers


A、Who's that boy

B、Who's that woman

C、Who's that girl


A、Who's that girl

B、Who's that woman

C、Who's the girl


A、Who's that man

B、Who's that boy

C、Who's thats girl


A、Who’s that girl

B、Good morning

C、Who’s that woman


A、Who’s that girl

B、Good morning

C、Who’s that women

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