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Some people say that the holiday shows()is important in people's lives.

Some people say that the holiday shows()is important in people's lives.




更多“Some people say that the…”相关的问题
Every time you get some new idea, there must be some people to say no.()




Some people think they have an answer to the problem of car crowding and pollution in large cities. Their【21】is the bicycle, or bike. In a great【22】cities, hundreds of people ride bicycles to work every day. In New York City, some bike riders have been formed a group【23】Bike for a Better City. They claim that if more people rode bicycles to work, there【24】be fewer cars in the downtown section (闹市区) of the city and【25】less dirty air from car engines. For several years this【26】has been trying to get the city government【27】bicycle riders. For【28】, they want the city to paint special lanes (narrow, often winding roads or ways) for bicycle only on some of the main streets, because when bicycle riders must use the【29】lanes as cars, there may be【30】Bike for a Better City feels that if there were【31】lanes, more people would use bikes. But no bicycle lanes have been【32】yet.【33】thinks they are a good idea. Taxi drivers don't like the idea--they say it will slow transport. Some store owners on file main streets don't like the idea--they say that if there is less traffic, they will have less【34】. And most people live【35】far from downtown to travel by bike.

Our new foreign students are going to arrive very soon, and here are some ways to communicate with them politely.
How close do you stand when you talk to a friend? You can stand close to people in the Middle East but don’t stand too close to North Americans! Give them more personal space.
Do you know How to touch people correctly? Chinese girls often walk arm in arm with their friends. South Americans sometimes hold your arm when they talk to you, so you can’t move away! But in Britain many people don’t like other people to touch them at all.
Do you look at people when you talk? In some places, it isn’t polite to look at people when you talk, but in other countries it isn’t polite to look somewhere else. In Britain and the US, people usually look at each other when they talk.
And how do you say goodbye? That’s easy, wave(挥手) to say goodbye. But be careful! In Greece, it’s not at all polite! In fact, it’s very rude!
(1) From the passage, we should give more personal space.()
A、people in the Middle East
B、people in North America
C、people in the South America
D、people in North China
(2) The underlined word “touch” means in Chinese.()
(3) We can’t wave to say goodbye in .()
(4) How many ways are given to communicate with foreign students?()
(5) What’s the best title of this passage?()
A、Saying goodbye
B、Touching people
C、Looking at people
D、communicating politely
正确答案:1. B 2. A 3. D 4. C 5. D
44、Our new foreign students are going to arrive very soon, and here are some ways to communicate with them politely.
How close do you stand when you talk to a friend? You can stand close to people in the Middle East but don’t stand too close to North Americans! Give them more personal space.
Do you know How to touch people correctly? Chinese girls often walk arm in arm with their friends. South Americans sometimes hold your arm when they talk to you, so you can’t move away! But in Britain many people don’t like other people to touch them at all.
Do you look at people when you talk? In some places, it isn’t polite to look at people when you talk, but in other countries it isn’t polite to look somewhere else. In Britain and the US, people usually look at each other when they talk.
And how do you say goodbye? That’s easy, wave(挥手) to say goodbye. But be careful! In Greece, it’s not at all polite! In fact, it’s very rude!
(1) From the passage, we should give more personal space.()
A、people in the Middle East
B、people in North America
C、people in the South America
D、people in North China
(2) The underlined word “touch” means in Chinese.()
(3) We can’t wave to say goodbye in .()
(4) How many ways are given to communicate with foreign students?()
(5) What’s the best title of this passage?()
A、Saying goodbye
B、Touching people
C、Looking at people
D、communicating politely

阅读下文,阅读题 "Equal pay for equal work" is a phrase used by the American wome
"Equal pay for equal work" is a phrase used by the American women who feel that they are unfairly treated by society. They say it is not right for women to be paid less than men for the same work.
Some people say men have more duties than women. A married man is thought to earn money to support his family and to make the important decision, so it is right for them to be paid more.
Some are even against married women working at all. When wives go out to work, they say, the home and children are given no attention to. (80) If women are encouraged by equal pay to take full-time jobs, they will be unable to do the thing.s they are best at doing: makinga nice home and bringing up children.
Women who disagree say they want to escape from the limited place which society wishes them to fill and to have freedom to choose between work and home life, or a mixture of the two.
Women have the right not only to equal pay but also to equal chances.
The women use the phrase "equal pay for equal work" to ask society to__________. 查看材料
A.pay men less than women
B.give women harder work
C.pay men and women the same amount of money for the same work
D.pay people more who do harder work

In sport the sexes(性别)are separate. Women and men do not run or swim in the same ra
In sport the sexes(性别)are separate. Women and men do not run or swim in the same races. Women are less strong than men. That at least is what people say. Women are called the weaker sex, or, if men want to please them, the fair sex. But boys and girls are taught together at schools and universities. There are women who are famous Prime Ministers, scientists and writers. And women live longer than men . A European woman can expect to live until the age of 74, a man only until he is 68.Arewomen's bodies really weaker
The fastest men can run a mile in under 4 minutes. The best women need 4.5 minutes. Women's time are always slower than men's, but some facts are a surprise. Some of the fastest women swimmers today are teenage girls. One of them swam 400 metres in 4 minutes 21.2 seconds when she was only 16.The first ‘Tartan’ in film was an Olympic swimmer, Johnny Weissmuller. His fastest 400 metres was 4 minutes 49.1 seconds, which is 37.9 seconds slower than a girl 50 years later! This does not mean that women are catching men up. Conditions are very different now and sport is much more serious. It is so serious that some women athletes are given hormone (荷尔蒙)injections(注射). At the Olympics a doctor has to check whether the women athletes are really women or not. It seems sad that sport has such problems. Life can be very complicated(复杂的) when there are two separate sexes!
(1). Women are called the weaker sex because () .
A、women do as much as men
B、people think women are weaker than men
C、sport is easier for men than for women
D、in sport the two sexes are always together
(2). Which of the following is true ()
A、Boys and girls study separately everywhere.
B、Women do not run or swim in races with men.
C、Famous Prime Ministers are women .
D、Men can expect to live longer than women in Europe.
(3). “That at least is what people say” means people () .
A、say other things , too
B、don't say this much
C、say this but may not think so
D、only think this
(4). What problems does sport have ()
A、Some women athletes are actually men.
B、Some women athletes are give hormone injections.
C、Women and men do not run or swim in the same races.
D、It is difficult to check whether women athletes are really women.
(5). In this passage the author implies that ()
A、women are weaker than men , but faster
B、women are slower than men, but stronger
C、men are not always stronger and faster than women
D、men are faster and stronger than women

Some people hate everything that is modern. They cannot imagine how anyone can really like modern music; they find it hard to accept the new fashions in clothing; they think that all modern painting is ugly; and they seldom have a good word for the new buildings that are being built everywhere in the world. Such people look for perfection in everything, and they take their standards of perfection from the past. They are usually impatient with anyone who is brave enough to experiment with new or to express himself or the age in materials original ways. It is, of course, true that many artists do not succeed in their work and instead produce works that can only be considered as failures. If the work of art is a painting, the artist's failure concerns himself alone, but if it is a building, his failure concerns others too, because it may damage the beauty of the whole place. This does sometimes happen, but it is completely untrue to say, as some people do, that modern architecture is nothing.
We can't judge every modern building by the standards of the ancient time, even though we admire the ancient buildings. Technologically, the modern buildings are more advanced. The modern architect knows he should learn from the ancient works, but with his greater resources of knowledge and materials, he will never be content to imitate the past. He is too proud to do that.
Some people hate everything that is modern because ______.
A.they are aged
B.they find it hard to accept modern things
C.they take their standards of perfection from the Greek
D.they look at things by the standards of the past
ICE-FISHING If you drive north from Toronto for three hours, you come to Lake Nipissing. I
If you drive north from Toronto for three hours, you come to Lake Nipissing. In winter, the lake becomes ice, and thousands of Canadian fishermen travel there each weekend. They build Little houses of wood on the ice and point them in bright colours. Then they sit inside to catch the fish that swim under the ice.
Bob Marvisch has come here at this time of year for twenty-five years. 'You need clothes that are light but worm: two pairs of socks and gloves, several thin sweaters and a snow suit on top. Catching the fish is easy,' he says. 'First you break the ice and make a small round hole in it. Next you take a fishing line and put some bread on it. Then you put the line through the hole and into the water. You pull the line up when the fish eat the bread. They are between ten and twenty centimetres Long. Some people Like to eat them, but when I have caught three or four fish, I prefer to have some chocolate or other snack! Today I have caught twenty- five! It's a great sport and you can meet some nice people here!
Fishermen only use the houses on Lake Nipissing in winter.
C.Doesn't say
Do other animals besides humans cry? The answer to the question is ‘Yes, and no’. All animals with mobile eyes have the ability to cry, just as we humans do. They have a tearing system that keeps their eyes wet so as to protect them from dry sand, dusts, and other elements. People often tell tales of animals such as elephants and dogs weeping when punished. However, even if such an animal does shed tears, there is no scientific evidence that the animal is expressing the tear-related emotions similar to those when humans cry. But what about when a baby chimp or ape whimpers and screams when it’s being separated from its mother, can we say with some certainty that the animal is crying? Taking away the babies does encourage care-giving such as feeding and protecting from the mother apes, but it is uncertain whether the baby apes feel the same way as baby humans do when they cry. In fact, it’s not clear that crying and other emotional displays mean exactly the same thing to all humans. For instance, there is a wide range of emotions that prompt people to cry, and some kinds of weeping, such as crying at a stranger’s wedding, seem to be cultural responses. In addition, some people are autistic. That means they prefer being alone than being with other people, especially in large crowds. These people are said to have less ability in expressing their emotions, but research also has shown that it’s more that their expressions and their reactions to the emotional expressions of others are unusual. Different. But does that mean that their sadness is different somehow? So even if apes can be said with some certainty to be feeling emotions, then there is the problem of figuring out to what extent what they feel resembles what humans feel.
10.What does the author mean by “Yes, and no” in line 1, paragraph 1?
A. Other animals besides humans cry
B. No other animals besides humans cry
C. Animals cry but do not cry like humans
D. Animals cry but humans do not cry
11.Which of the following statement is true?
A. All animals have mobile eyes
B. All animals have a tearing system
C. Tearing system keeps animals’ eyes wet
D. Animals cry when being punished
12.Baby chimps or apes cry because__________.
A. they are being separated from their mothers
B. the reason is not clear
C. they feel the same way as baby humans do
D. they need to be fed and protected
13.Why human beings cry?
A. There a wide range of reasons.
B. People cry because they attend a stranger’s wedding.
C. Crying means exactly the same thing to all humans.
D. Because of cultural responses.
14.It can be inferred from the passage that __________.
A. it is uncertain to say to what extent apes feel the same emotions as humans
B. it is sure that apes can feel emotions
C. some people prefer being alone because they’re not good at communication
D. people’s emotions are different

We live in a society in there is a lot of talk about【M1】______science, but I would say tha
We live in a society in there is a lot of talk about 【M1】______
science, but I would say that there are not 5 percent of
the people who are equipped with schooling, including
college, to understand scientific reasoning. We are
more ignorant of science as people with comparable 【M2】______
educations in Western Europe.
There are a lot of kids who know everything about
Computers who to build them, how to take them apart,
how to write programs for games. So if you ask them 【M3】______
to explain about the principles of physics that have gone 【M4】______
into creating the computer, you don't have the faintest idea. 【M5】______
The failure to understand science leads to such
things like the neglect of the human creative power. 【M6】______
It also takes rise to a blurring(模糊) of the distinction 【M7】______
between science and technology. Lots of people don't
differ between the two. Science is the production 【M8】______
of new knowledge that can be applied or not, since 【M9】______
technology is the application of knowledge to the
production of some products, machinery or the like.
The two are really very different, and people who have
the faculty for one very seldom have a faculty for the other.
Science in itself is harmless, more or less. But as
soon as it can provide technology, it is not necessarily
harmful. No society has yet learned how to forecast the 【M10】______
consequences of new technology, which can be enormous.

To say that the child learns by imitation and that the way to teach is to set a good example is a bit oversimplified. No child imitates every action he sees. Sometimes, the example the parent wants him to follow is ignored while he takes over contrary patterns from some other ' example. Therefore we must turn to a more subtle theory than "Monkey see, monkey do".
Look at it from the child's point of view. Here he is in a new situation, lacking a ready response. He is seeking a response which will gain certain ends. If he lacks a ready response for the situation, and cannot reason out what to do, he observes a model who seems able to get the right result. The child looks for an authority or expert who can show what to do.
There is a second element at work in this situation. The child may be able to attain his immediate goal only to find that his method brings criticism from people who observe him. When shouting across the house achieves his immediate end of delivering a message, he is told emphatically that such a racket is unpleasant, that he should walk into the next room and say his say quietly. Thus, the desire to solve any objective situation is overlaid with the desire to solve it properly. One of the early things the child learns is that he gets more affection and approval when his parents like his response. Then other adults reward some actions and criticize others. If one is to maintain the support of others and his own self-respect, he must adopt responses his social group approves.
In finding trial responses, the learner does not choose models at random. He imitates the person who seems a good person to be like, rather than a person whose social status he wished to avoid. If the pupil wants to be a good violinist, he will observe and try to copy the techniques of capable players; while some other person may most influence his approach to books.
Admiration of one quality often leads us to admire a person as a whole, and he becomes an identifying figure. We use some people as models over a wide range of situations, imitating much that they do. We learn that they are dependable and rewarding models because imitating them leads to success.
The statement that children learn by imitation is incomplete because ______.
A.they only imitate authorities and experts
B.they are not willing to copy their parents
C.the process of identification has been ignored
D.the nature of their imitation as a form. of behavior. has been neglected
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