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A memo telling employees that the new supervisor is Beth Kirk is to().

A memo telling employees that the new supervisor is Beth Kirk is to().





更多“A memo telling employees…”相关的问题
This was the place __________.

A、 about that I was telling you

B、about which I was telling you

C、where I was telling you

D、that I was telling you

______ I didn’t believe her but then I realized that she was telling the truth.


B、At first

C、First of all


It is no good ____ him about the news.

A、to telling

B、to tell



Frank couldn‘t help _______ his wife that he was worried about losing his job。A. tell

A、 tell

B、 to tell

C、 telling

D、 expect tell

I’ve been telling her time and again that we can’t ______ another holiday, but she won’

After having lived for over twenty years in the same district, Albert Hall was forced to move to a new neighborhood. He surprised his landlord by telling him that he was leaving because he could not afford to buy any more chocolate.
It all began a year ago when Albert Hall returned home one evening and found a large dog in front of his gate. He was very fond of animals and as he happened to have a small piece of chocolate in his pocket, he gave it to the dog. The next day, the dog was there again. It held up its paws (爪子) and received another piece of chocolate as a reward. Albert called his new friend “Bingo”. He never found out the dog's real name, nor who his owner was. However, Bingo appeared regularly every afternoon and it was quite clear that he liked chocolate more than bones. He soon grew dissatisfied with small pieces of chocolate and demanded a large bar a day. If at any time Albert couldn't give it, Bingo got very angry and refused to let him open the gate. Albert was now at Bingo's mercy and had to “buy him” to get into his own house! He spent such a large part of his week's wage to keep Bingo supplied with chocolate that in the end he had to move somewhere else.
1)、Albert had been living in the same district for all his life.
2)、Albert decided to move because he was afraid of animals, especially dogs.
3)、Bingo waited for Albert every afternoon at the gate because he liked Albert.
4)、We can tell from the story that Albert could afford to buy a large bar of chocolate for Bingo every day.
5)、Albert had to “buy him” means Albert had to give him chocolate.
One of the most enjoyable jobs I've ever done was when I was a student. When you ()
One of the most enjoyable jobs I've ever done was when I was a student. When you () what it was you may be a bit shocked, but () I know it sounds () I can assure you that it was in fact delightful. () it or not, I was grave-digger for a () summer. It was one of those hot, dry () which made the () as hard as rock and () needed a great deal of effort to dig the graves. Now, a grave-digger doesn't have anything to () with dead bodies. () he has to do is dig two-meter deep () and fill them in again when the coffin has been put (). As I said, it was a marvelous summer and I'm glad to say that I didn't have to work on my (). I had a workmate who had been digging graves since 1930. In spite of his depressing trade he was a () character, always laughing and () jokes. He () to tell me all about his experiences and I listened to him for hours () end. Mind you, () had to work quite hard and usually there were two or three graves to dig every day. () the time I had to go back to () I was fitter, browner and in some ways a wiser person.
1、A) hear B) know C) tell D) say
2、A) what B) because C) although D) however
3、A) strange B) good C) pleasant D) unpleasant
4、A) Take B) Hear C) Believe D) Like
5、A) long B) short C) pleasant D) whole
6、A) season B) summers C) days D) holidays
7、A) ground B) field C) grave D) work
8、A) which B) what C) it D) that
9、A) do B) deal C) fear D) carry
10、A) That B) All C) which D) where
11、A) graves B) holes C) caves D) places
12、A) down B) away C) on D) in
13、A) hand B) energy C) own D) problem
14、A) kind B) helpful C) bad D) cheerful
15、A) telling B) speaking C) hearing D) doing
16、A) was B) used C) wanted D) went
17、A) to B) with C) without D) on
18、A) he B) I C) we D) they
19、A) By B) To C) At D) From
20、A) dig B) work C) college D) employment


  “Cool” is a word with many meanings.Its traditional meaning is used to 41 a

  temperature that is fairy cold.As the world has 42 , however, the word has expanded

  to 43 many different meaning.“Cool” can be used to express feelings of 44 in

  almost anything.

  When you see a brand-name car in the street, maybe you can’t help 45 , --It's cool.You

  might think, “He's so cool,” when you see your 46 footballer.We all enlarge the

  meaning of “cool” . You can use it 47 many words such as “new” or

  “amazing”.Here's an interesting story we can see 48 illustrate the usage of the

  word.A teacher asked her students to 49 the waterfall they had visited.On one

  student's paper was just the one 50 , --“It's so cool. 51 he thought it was 52

  to describe 53 he saw and felt. 54 the story also proves the shortage of words

  and expressions. 55 “cool” some people have no words to express the same

  meaning.So it is 56 to improve our words strength to maintain some 57 . As a

  popular word, “cool” stands for a kind of special 58 that people can accept easily.

  Excepting “cool” Can you think of many other words that 59 your life as colorful as

  the word “cool”? I can.And I think they are also very 60 .

  41. A. find B. take C. show D. make sure

  42. A. changed B. been developed C. been cleaned D. informed

  43. A. turn out B. take on C. take out D. come into

  44. A. satisfaction B. interest C. sense D. interesting

  45.A. to say B. telling C. shout D. saying

  46. A. famous B. out of date C. favourite D. modern

  47. A. replace B. in place of C. change D. exchange

  48. A. is used to B. showing C. used to D. explaining

  49. A. write for B. copy down C. describe D. say something

  50. A. phrase B. word C. story D. sentence

  51. A. However B. May be C. As far as D. Perhaps

  52. A. the just thing B. the very mean C. some methods D. the best way

  53.A. the means B. what C. how D. wherever

  54.A. And B. If C. So D. But

  55. A. Without B. Using C. Not being used D. With

  56. A. important B. necessary C. impossible D. natural

  57.A. true B. belief C. richness D. interest

  58. A. habit B. culture C. language D. enjoyment

  59. A. put B. change C. better D. make

  60. A. cool B. easy C. difficult D. important

You may have the business qualifications(合格证明).You have an excellent record of good
You may have the business qualifications(合格证明).You have an excellent record of good education and work experience.However,without good business manners you will not succeed.Treating people with respect should be second nature to you.It helps you get on well with the people you work with and with your bosses.It always pays to be polite.Here are some tips to help improve your business manners.If you are behind schedule,remember to take the time to contact your next appointment so that the person you are due to meet is aware of the delay.If necessary,you should rearrange the meeting for a more convenient time.Try not to leave any caller on hold for too long.It is better to tell someone you will call back when you are free.Be sure to return calls as soon as you can.If you cannot return the call immediately,apologize(道歉)to the caller for the delay.Try to respond to letters within a set time.Keep a record of requests for reply within a certain time.Make a note in your diary of other deadlines(最后期限)for your work.If you are unable to respond quickly,write a short letter to the other person to explain the delay and tell him when you will reply.If you want to take a customer or a business friend out for lunch,you had better choose the restaurant and let your guest choose the time.You may think that you are not being paid as much as you should be.Do not discuss the matter with your colleagues.A good way is to contact an employment agency to find out the "going rate".Armed with this objective information,you can discuss your salary with your boss.
1. What does the author emphasize for a person's success in business?_____
A. Business qualifications.
B. An excellent record of education.
C. Work experience.
D. Business manners.
2. What does the author mean by saying "It pays to be polite"?_____
A. You must be paid more money to be polite.
B. You have to pay for your training to be polite.
C. To be polite will eventually benefit you.
D. Customers pay for your being polite.
3. The word "tip" used in sentence 4,paragraph 2,refers to _____.
A. a useful hint or idea
B. a pointed end of anything
C. a piece of secret information
D. a small amount of money given in return for a service
4. When you know you are going to be late for an appointment,you should _____.
A. inform. the person you're meeting of your delay
B. leave the person a message telling him not to wait long
C. tell the person to postpone the meeting
D. apologize for taking the other person's time
5. If you think you are underpaid,it is suggested that you _____.
A. go directly to your boss and discuss the matter frankly
B. ask your colleagues secretly how much they earn
C. go to an employment agent to look for another job
D. get objective information about the job market first

Morgan Rees has always been a good businessman. He used to own three petrol stations and was busy most of the time. When he was 65, the normal retirement age, he decided that he didn't want to stop, so he carried on working for another two years. Eventually, when he was nearly 68, his wife, Dolly, asked him to retire because she wanted to enjoy their old age together. Reluctantly, he handed over the business to his son.
But he was unhappy. He didn't know what to do with himself. Although he read a lot of books and he went on holiday to interesting places with his wife, he was bored and began to get depressed because he hated being retired.
Then one day he saw an advertisement in the newspaper and, without telling his wife, he bought a small crockery (陶器) factory. The next week he told his family. They were horrified and worried. They thought he was too old at 71 to start work again.
He is now 76 and he has expanded the company considerably. He has increased the number of staff from 6 to 24 and he has found many new customers for the products. He has developed the export market and has improved profits by 200%. He has opened a new design office and employed three young designers. They have been all over the world to get new ideas, and one of them has gone to France this week to a major trade fair. Most importantly, he hasn't been bored since he bought the factory.
1)、The topic sentence of Para. 1 is ______.
A.Morgan Rees has always been a good businessman
B.he used to own three petrol stations and was busy most of the time
C.when Morgan Rees was 65, he got retired
D.reluctantly, he handed over the business to his son
2)、The topic sentence of Para. 2 is ______.
A.he didn't know what to do with himself
B.he went on holiday to interesting places with his wife
C.he was unhappy after he got retired
D.none of them
3)、Which of the following statements can best express the main idea of Para. 3?
A.One day he saw an advertisement in the newspaper.
B.He bought a small crockery factory in secret and started work again.
C.He told his family he bought a small crockery factory.
D.His family was horrified and worried when they learned he bought the small factory.
4)、What is the central idea of the last paragraph?
A.Morgan Rees has worked until he is 76.
B.Morgan Rees has developed the export market and improved the profits by 200%.
C.Morgan Rees hasn't been bored since he bought the factory.
D.Since he started working again, Morgan Rees has expanded the company considerably, which has enriched his retired life.
5)、The passage mainly deals with ______.
A.why Morgan Rees bought a small crockery factory
B.how Morgan Rees lived his retired life more happily by turning to work again
C.how Moran Rees became a good businessman
D.how Moran Rees expanded the company considerably
西尔斯公司是一家以向农民邮购起家的零售公司。它的创始人理查德西尔 斯在1884年就开始尝试邮购商品,1886年创建了西尔斯邮购公司,开始专门从 事邮购业务,出售手表、表链、表针、珠宝以及钻石等小件商品。西尔斯公司顺 应市场形势的变化,不断调整自己的营销策略,以惊人的速度发展起来。从1925年开始,西尔斯公司进人百货商店的经营领域,此后它就一直占据美国零售业第一的位置。直到20世纪90年代初,超级

西尔斯公司是一家以向农民邮购起家的零售公司。它的创始人理查德ž西尔 斯在1884年就开始尝试邮购商品,1886年创建了西尔斯邮购公司,开始专门从 事邮购业务,出售手表、表链、表针、珠宝以及钻石等小件商品。西尔斯公司顺 应市场形势的变化,不断调整自己的营销策略,以惊人的速度发展起来。从1925年开始,西尔斯公司进人百货商店的经营领域,此后它就一直占据美国零售业第一的位置。直到20世纪90年代初,超级市场、仓储商店、便利店等新型业态迅猛发展,百货商店逐渐衰落。以折扣店起家的沃尔玛公司才超过了西尔斯公司。然而西尔斯公司依然是零售业的巨头,它拥有30多万名职工、1600多家连锁商店、800多家供应商,其子公司遍布欧美各大城市。在《财富》杂志2003年度公布的世界500强企业中,西尔斯公司以414亿美元的销售额名列第81位, 紧随沃尔玛、家乐福、麦德龙等企业之后。西尔斯公司被人们誉为“零售业科学院”。


1978年爱德华ž特林(Edward Telling)被任命为西尔斯公司的首席执行官,此时他面对的是西尔斯公司经营业绩的连年下滑。公司1979年销售额比1978年下降了13%,1980年又比1979年下降了43%;投资报酬率在1978年时比行业平均值高16%,到1980年则比行业平均值低31%,比竞争对手沃尔玛低40%;供应商对西尔斯的未来前景也开始担忧。面对这样的困境,爱德华ž特林制定了公司发展的新战略,决定实施多元化经营战略,扩展金融服务业务。原来,在20世纪70年代初期,西尔斯公同就表现出对金融服务业的兴趣,并且已经拥有一家保险公司——Allstate, Allstate公司还先后收购了一个互助基金公司和一家抵押保险公司,同时也进入了不动产投资领城。特林决定在此基础上进一步扩展金融业务。于是,1981年10月,公司以1.79亿美元收购了当时美国最大的房地产经纪公司——Goldwell Banker (GB),以6.07亿美元收购了当时美国最大的证券经纪公司之一——Dean Witter (DW)。西尔斯公司的战略委员会对其多元化经营战略的解释是:

(1)GB和DW可以进入西尔斯公司现有的庞大客户群并销售其金融产品, 该客户群已建立95年以上,包括大约3 000万个活跃的信用卡持有人。

(2)西尔斯公司不仅可以向扩大的客户群提供金融和房地产服务业务,还可 以提供商品和保险产品。


股票市场对上述两笔收购作出了积极的反应,收购GB时股价上涨了4%, 收购DW时股价上涨了8%,这为西尔斯的股东带来了约4亿美元的财富收益。这符合西尔斯公司管理层对协同效应的预期。在随后的4年中,西尔斯公司在金融服务业还进行了一些小规模的收购。

















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