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We need as many records as possible.(英译中)


更多“We need as many records …”相关的问题
Xiaoyan: I have most of the things I need.We don' t need to buy any rice, and we don't need any peas.
Mary: We need some oranges.How many do we need to buy?
Xiaoyan: Four are enough.And we need some cream.
Mary: How much cream do we need to buy for four people?
Xiaoyan: Two cartons? Shall we get a melon and some wine? And 1 haven' t got any coffee.
Mary: OK.And lychees.Two tins?
Xiaoyan: How many lychees do you get in a tin?
Mary: 1 don' t know.Let' s get a big tin.We also need some mineral water.
Xiaoyan: And the prawns.How many prawns?
Mary: One big packet will do.I also need to get some vegetables for next week potatoes, carrots, onions, and a cabbage 1 think.There' s a little greengrocer's along the road.Why don't we go there first?
1、How many oranges does Xiaoyan want to buy? ()
B.A kilo.
2、Do they need any cream? ()
A.Yes, they do.
B.No , they don't.
C.The text does not tell us
3、How many prawns do they want to buy? ()
A.A packet.
B.Two packets.
C.Three packets.
4、Who would like to have some vegetables? ()
5、Which is not included (包括) in the shopping list? ()
A.Rice and peas.
B.Potatoes and coffee.
C.Melons and wine.
Paper was invented by the Chinese in the first century AD.Paper was not made in southern Europe until about the year 1100.Scandinavia - which now makes a great deal of the world did not begin to make it until 1500.Most paper is made from wood.Paper-making is an important British industry and paper from Britain is sold to many countries such as Australia and South Africa.Some of the wood used in the British paper making industry comes from trees grown in Britain, but wood is also bought from other countries such as Norway.One tree is needed for every four hundred copies of a forty-page newspaper.If half the adults in Britain buy one daily paper, this uses up over a thousand trees a day.All over the world,trees are being cut down faster than they are being planted, so there may be a serious need for paper at the beginning of next century.
When we think of paper, we think of newspaper, books, letters and writing paper.But there are many other uses.Only half of paper is used for books and newspaper, etc.Paper is very good for keeping you warm.Each year, more and more things are made of paper.Now we hear that chairs, tables, and even beds can be made of paper.But the latest in paper making seems to be paper houses.
1.Where was paper invented?
A.In China.
B.In southern Europe.
C.In Scandinavia.
D.In Britain.
2.Scandinavia began to make paper ().
A.in 1100
B.in 1400
C.in 1500
D.in the first century
3.Every four hundred copies of a forty-page newspaper will need ().
A.half a tree
B.one tree
C.two trees
D.more than one tree
4.All over the world, trees are being cut down ()than they are being planted.
A.more slowly
B.much faster
C.much more slowly
5.The latest things made of paper are ().
Traveling can be fun and easy. A vacation trip to another country is especially【21】______w
Traveling can be fun and easy. A vacation trip to another country is especially 【21】______ when the traveling conditions are good. Good traveling conditions 【22】______ a comfortable mode of transportation, knowledge of the 【23】______ language, familiarity 【24】______ the custom and habits of the people in the country, and pleasant traveling 【25】______ . All of us have had nice trips 【26】______ this.
Most of us have also had trips that we would 【27】______ to forget. Many conditions can produce a bad 【28】______ experience. For example, if the four conditions 【29】______ above do not exist, we will probably have a bad experience, 【30】______ at best difficult 【31】______ . Students who travel to a 【32】______ country to study often have a difficult trip. They usually travel 【33】______ . They don't know the language of the new country 【34】______ . They often arrive in the new country 【35】______ a judge international airport. From the airport, they need to 【36】______ their way to their school. Maybe they need to 【37】______ airplanes, to take a bus, a train, or a taxi. They need to do ail this in a country 【38】______ everything is unfamiliar. Later, after the experience is 【39】______ , they can laugh. But at the 【40】______ , they feel terrible.
Listening to others is an even more important part of communication than speaking. Many more errors and difficulties【C1】______ misunderstanding what you've heard, so it's essential to ready yourself to listen with an open mind. Like many of us, you【C2】______ to listen actively, with.【C3】______ for accuracy, feeling, meaning, understanding and mutual creativity. You may never have been trained to【C4】______ the other person's experience of being understood.【C5】______ you may not【C6】______ that others really hear the message you intend to communicate, others don't check to【C7】______ that what you heard is【C8】______ .
What gets in the way of accurate listening? When we're worried about what we're hearing or might hear next or what we might have to do about what we hear, we may very well receive a【C9】______ message.【C10】______ that we will have to "fix it" or "control it" causes us to listen with "filters". We may want to express our own point of view. We may also want to avoid being【C11】______ or being drawn into a conflict, so we【C12】______ . what we hear, because we're already thinking about what we'll say next. It then becomes impossible to hear the speaker's true meaning. Clearly in our workplaces, families and friendship, if we【C13】______ what we think we heard instead of what was actually said, the【C14】______ of the message we received will result in responses that aren't【C15】______ . On the other side, if others don't hear us accurately, we won't feel valued.
If you want to connect with others and take appropriate actions, you must learn to listen with curiosity, empathy and a deep appreciation for the feelings, reality and creativity of another. You need to ask for【C16】______ and not【C17】______ conclusions. You need to pay close attention and "mirror" back what you hear rather than listening【C18】______ while thinking of other things or listening through filters,【C19】______ or expectations that limit or distort the message's【C20】______ meaning. We build trust when others know we understand and value them.
A.result in
B.lead to
C.stem from
D.bring about
Someday in the future we may not need to have money in our pockets. Is life easier when people don’t need to carry any coins for currency at all? Is money heavy to carry? Is it safe to carry money? Maybe in the future each of us will have only one small plastic credit card. We will use it to buy all the things we now buy with money. We will not need money to pay for things.Of course we may still have some of the same problems with cards that we now have with money. Sometimes we lose money. Maybe will lose the cards. People steal money. Maybe someone will take the card. Someone may even make a card that looks like our card. Since we can’t buy anything without our cards, the credit card may be no better than currency.Is there something even easier to use than credit cards? All of us have a thumbprint. No two thumbprints are the same. Maybe someday the government will keep people’s thumbprints with a number. No person will have the same thumbprint or number. When you want to buy something you will put your t thumb on a machine or a computer. Each store or business will have one. Everyone’s thumbprint will be in the computers. It will be very difficult to lose our thumbprint. It will be difficult for someone to steal it or to make one like it.
1.The word “currency” (ParA. 1) most probably means __________.
A.plastic cards
C. coins
D. goods
2.According to the passage, we all need _______.
B.some kind of money
C.credit cards
3. Our thumbprints may be used in the future because ________.
A.every thumbprint is difficult to lose or make
B.each store will have a computer
C.they will help each store
D.computers need them
4. Which of the following statements gives the main idea of the second paragraph?
A.Credit cards are worse than currency.
B.Currency may not be more of a problem than credit cards.
C.We use credit cards because people steal money.
D.We have many problems with money.
5.Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A.There is something easier to use than credit cards.
B.There are no problems with currency.
C.Every person will have a different thumbprint number.
D.There are some problems with the use of credit cards.

The air surrounding us is important to everyone. Without air, we could not (1) Everyone understands that. But air is necessary(2)many other ways that are not always so obvious or widely known. For example, if we did not have air, (3) would be no sound. Sound travels through air. Where there is no air, there is no sound. (4)air, there would be no fire. There would be no automobiles, (5) motors need air in order to operate. Without air there would be no wind or clouds. There would be no (6), as we know it. The night time would be very(7), the days very hot. We would be forced to seek shelter from the sun, (8)there would be no atmosphere to protect us from the sun’s deadly rays. The atmosphere is all the air surrounding the (9) . Atmosphere pressure is the weight of all that air against the (10)of the earth. If we did not have atmospheric pressure, we could not have automobile tires. The tires would swell or burst if they did not have the pressure of the atmosphere against their surface.
1、 A. living B. lively C. exist D. alive
2、 A. under B. of C. on D. in
3、 A. there B. they C. it D. we
4、 A. Despite B. With C. As D. Without
5、 A. however B. but C. since D. and
6、 A. air B. weather C. breeze D. climate
7、 A. warm B. cool C. cold D. hot
8、 A. as B. so C. that D. so that
9、 A. floor B. ground C. land D. earth
10、 A. top B. surface C. face D. coverage
The homeless make up a growing percentage of America’s population. __1__ homelessness has reached such proportions that local government can’t possibly __2__. To help homeless people __3__ independence, the federal government must support job training programs, __4__ the minimum wage, and fund more low-cost housing.
__5__ everyone agrees on the numbers of Americans who are homeless. Estimates __6__ anywhere from 600,000 to 3 million. __7__ the figure may vary, analysts do agree on another matter: that the number of the homeless is __8__. One of the federal government’s studies __9__ that the number of the homeless will reach nearly 19 million by the end of this decade.
Finding ways to __10__ this growing homeless population has become increasingly difficult. __11__ when homeless individuals manage to find a __12__ that will give them three meals a day and a place to sleep at night, a good number still spend the bulk of each day __13__ the street. Part of the problem is that many homeless adults are addicted to alcohol or drugs. And a significant number of the homeless have serious mental disorders. Many others, __14__ not addicted or mentally ill, simply lack the everyday __15__ skills need to turn their lives __16__. Boston Globe reporter Chris Reidy notes that the situation will improve only when there are __17__ programs that address the many needs of the homeless. __18__ Edward Blotkowsk, director of community service at Bentley College in Massachusetts, __19__ it, “There has to be __20__ of programs. What we need is a package deal.”

[A] Indeed
[B] Likewise
[C] Therefore
[D] Furthermore

Read the article below about the central problem of Economics.Choose the best word to fill
Read the article below about the central problem of Economics.
Choose the best word to fill each gap, from A, B, C or D.
For each question 19—33, mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet.
There is an example at the beginning.
The Central Problem of Economics
The central problem of economics is to satisfy the people's and nation's wants.
The problem we are faced with is that our resources, here identified as money, are limited. The only way we can resolve our problem is to make choices. After looking at our resources, we must examine our list of(19)…and identify the things we need immediately, those we can postpone, and(20)…we cannot afford. As individuals, we face the central problem involved in economics—deciding just how to allocate (分配)our limited resources to provide(21)…with the greatest satisfaction of our wants.
Nations face the same problem. As a country's population grows the need for more goods and services grows correspondingly. Resources necessary to production may increase, but there(22)…are enough resources to satisfy the total desires of a nation. Whether the budget meeting is taking place in the family(23) …room, in the conference room of the corporation (24)…of directors, or in the chamber of the House of Representatives in Washington, the basic problem still exists. We need to find methods of allocating limited resources in order to satisfy unlimited wants.
A short time ago economists(25)…goods into two categories, free and economic. The former, like air and water, were in(26)…abundance that economists had no concern for them. After all, economics is the(27)…of scarcity(匮乏)and what to do about it. Today many of these " free goods" are(28)…very expensive to use. Pollution has made clean air and water expensive for producers who have to filter their waste products, for consumers who ultimately(最终)(29)…the producers' extra costs, and(30)…taxpayers who pay for the government's involvement in cleaning the environment.
In the 1990s, almost all goods are (31)…Only by effort and money can they be obtained in the form. people wish.
Meeting the needs of people and froming resources available (32)… the basic activity of production. In trying to meet(33)…wants from limited economic goods, production leads to new problems in economics.
A century ago, the immigrants from across the Atlantic inclued settlers and sojourners. Along with the many folks looking to make a permanent home in the United States came those who had no intention to stay, and 7millin people arrived while about 2 million departed. About a quarter of all Italian immigrants, for exanmle, eventually returned to Italy for good. They even had an affectionate nickname, “uccelli di passaggio,” birds of passage.
Today, we are much more rigid about immigrants. We divide nemcomers into two categories: legal or illegal, good or bad. We hail them as Americans in the making, or our broken immigrantion system and the long political paralysis over how to fix it. We don’t need more categories, but we need to change the way we think about categories. We need to look beyond strick definitions of legal and illegal. To start, we can recognize the new birds of passage, those living and thriving in the gray areas. We might then begin to solve our immigration challenges.
Crop pickers, violinists, construction workers, entrepreneurs, engineers, home health-care aides and physicists are among today’s birds of passage. They are energetic participants in a global economy driven by the flow of work, money and ideas .They prefer to come and go as opportunity calls them , They can manage to have a job in one place and a family in another.
With or without permission, they straddle laws, jurisdictions and identities with ease. We need them to imagine the United States as a place where they can be productive for a while without committing themselves to staying forever. We need them to feel that home can be both here and there and that they can belong to two nations honorably.
Accommodating this new world of people in motion will require new attitudes on both sides of the immigration battle .Looking beyond the culture war logic of right or wrong means opening up the middle ground and understanding that managing immigration today requires multiple paths and multiple outcomes. Including some that are not easy to accomplish legally in the existing system.
“Birds of passage” refers to those who____ .
A.immigrate across the Atlantic.
B.leave their home countries for good.
C.stay in a foreign temporialy.
D.find permanent jobs overseas.
It is implied in paragraph 2 that the current immigration system in the US____ .A.needs new immigrant categories.
B.has loosened control over immigrants.
C.should be adopted to meet challenges.
D.has been fixed via political means.
According to the author, today’s birds of passage want___ .A.financial incentives.
B.a global recognition.
C.opportunities to get regular jobs.
D.the freedom to stay and leave.
The author suggests that the birds of passage today should be treated ____ .A.as faithful partners.
B.with economic favors.
C.with regal tolerance.
D.as mighty rivals.
Select the title that is most suitable for the articleA.come and go: big mistake.
B.living and thriving : great risk.
C.with or without : great risk.
D.legal or illegal: big mistake.

?Read the article below about the central problem of Economics.?Choose the best word to fi
?Read the article below about the central problem of Economics.
?Choose the best word to fill each gap, from A, B, C or D.
?For each question 19—33,mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet.
?There is an example at the beginning.
The Central Problem of Economics
The central problem of economics is to satisfy the people's and nation's wants.
The problem we are faced with is that our resources, here identified as money, are limited. The only way we can resolve our problem is to make choices. After looking at our resources, we must examine our list of (19) and identify the things we need immediately, those we can postpone, and (20) we cannot afford. As individuals, we face the central problem involved in economics deciding just how to allocate (分配) our limited resources to provide (21) with the greatest satisfaction of our wants. Nations face the same problem. As a country's population grows the need for more goods and services grows correspondingly. Resources necessary to production may increase, but there (22) are enough re sources to satisfy the total desires of a nation. Whether the budget meeting is taking place in the family (23) room, in the conference room of the corporation (24) of directors, or in the chamber of the House of Representatives in Washington, the basic problem still exists. We need to find methods of allocating limited resources in order to satisfy unlimited wants.
A short time ago economists (25) goods into two categories, free and economic. The former, like air and water, were in (26) abundance that economists had no concern for them. After all, economics is the (27) of scarcity (匮乏) and what to do about it. Today many of these "free goods" are (28) very expensive to use. Pollution has made clean air and water expensive for producers who have to filter their waste products, for consumers who ultimately (最终) (29) the producers' extra costs, and (30) taxpayers who pay for the government's involvement in cleaning the environment.
In the 1990s, almost all goods are (31) Only by effort and money can they be obtained in the form. people wish.
Meeting the needs of people and froming resources available (32) the basic activity of production. In trying to meet (33) wants from limited economic goods, production leads to new problems in economics.
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