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You must take away the clothes from the heat of the fire, ________ they might get burnt.

A、 or




更多“You must take away the c…”相关的问题
You can't afford to let the situation get worse. You must take ______ to put it fight.A.de
You can't afford to let the situation get worse. You must take ______ to put it fight.

Whenever advertisers want you to stop thinking about the product and to start thinking about something bigger, better, or more attractive than the product, they use that very popular word "like". The word "like" is the advertiser’s equivalent of the magician’s use of misdirection. "Like" gets you to ignore the product and concentrate on the claim the advertiser is making about it. "For skin like peaches and cream" claims the ad for a skin cream. What is this ad really claiming? It doesn’t say this cream will give you peaches-and-cream skin. There is no verb in this claim, so it doesn’t even mention using the product. How is skin ever like "peaches and cream" ? Remember, ads must be read exactly according to the dictionary definition of words. This ad is making absolutely no promise for this skin cream. If you think this cream will give you soft, smooth, and youthful-looking skin, you are the one who has read the meaning into the ad.
The wine that claims "It’s like taking a trip to France" wants you to think about a romantic evening in Paris as you walk along the street after a wonderful meal in an intimate cart. Of course, you don’t really believe that a wine can take you to France, but the goal of the ad is to get you to think pleasant, romantic thoughts about France and not about how the wine tastes or how expensive it may be. That little word "like" has taken you away from crushed grapes into a world of your own imaginative making. Who knows, maybe the next time you buy wine, you'll think those pleasant thoughts when you see this brand of wine, and you'll buy it.
How about the most famous "like" claim of all, "Winston tastes good like a cigarette should"? Ignoring the grammatical error here, you might want to know what this claim is saying. Whether a cigarette tastes good or bad is a subjective judgment because what tastes good to one per son may well taste horrible to another. There are many people who say that all cigarettes taste terrible, other people who say only some cigarettes taste all right, and still others who say all cigarettes taste good.
The word "like" in an ad often focuses the consumer’s attention on ______.
A.what the advertiser says about the product
B.what magic the product really possesses
C.why the advertiser promotes the product
D.why the product is as good as promised
Janet: Hey, how about getting together for a movie tonight?

Danny: Sure.(1)_________.

Janet: Well, let me check the Internet. What about the Interstellar?

Danny: Wow, I learn that it stars Anne Hathaway, my favorite actress.

Janet: Well,(2)_________, but I am more interested in the film director.

Danny: Who is it?

Janet: Christopher Nolan, a British-American film director. You must have watched the Inception, one of his masterpieces.

Danny: Absolutely, that movie took my breath away and I must admit that its director is brilliant.(3)_________.

Janet: Obviously it is a sci-fi film, which features a crew of astronauts who travel through a wormhole in search of a new home for humanity.

Danny: (4)_________.

Janet: The screenplay was written by Christopher and his brother Jonathan Nolan.

Danny: You are such a great fan of sci-fi movie.

Janet: Yeah, I am really into this. So let’s go to this movie and see what exciting experience it will bring to us.


A.she is amazing

B.What about the screenplay?

C.Can’t wait to watch it.

D.So could you tell me more about Interstellar?

E.What’s playing?
A true friend will never()from you when you're in trouble.

A、take away

B、run away

C、give away

D、throw away


One day a bookseller(书商)let a big box of books fall on his foot. “Go to see the doctor,“ said his wife. “No, “he said. “I‘ll wait until the doctor comes into the shop next time. Then I‘ll ask him about my foot. If I go to see him, I‘ll have to pay him.“
On the next day the doctor came into the shop for some books. When the bookseller was getting them ready, he told the doctor about his bad foot. The doctor looked at it.“You must put that foot in hot water every night. Then you must put something on it,“ said the doctor.
He took out a piece of paper and wrote on it. “Buy this and put it on the foot before you go to bed every night,“ he said.“Thank you,“ said the bookseller. “And now, sir, here are your books.““How much?“ said the doctor.“Two pounds.““Good,“ said the doctor. “I shall not have to pay you anything.““Why?“ asked the bookseller.“I told you about your foot. I want two pounds for that. If people come to my house, I ask them to pay one pound for a small thing like that. But when I go to their houses, I want two pounds. And I came here, didn‘t I?“
1)、What happened to the bookseller one day?
A.He lost a box of books.
B.His foot was wounded by a box of books.
C.He lent the doctor a box of books.
D.He sold out all his books.
2)、The bookseller‘s wife asked him ______.
A.to go out for some medicine
B.to send somebody for a doctor
C.to go to see the doctor
D.to wait for the doctor to come
3)、The bookseller didn‘t take his wife‘s advice because ______.
A.he was afraid of the doctor
B.he didn‘t like to take medicine
C.he couldn‘t walk by himself
D.he didn‘t want to pay the doctor
4)、The doctor paid ______ for the books.
A.one pound
B.two pounds
5)、The bookseller paid ______ money for seeing the doctor in the end.
C.the same amount of

Distance learning is a program that allows students to take classes online. Online classes offer on-campus classes, with the convenience of working at home, and the flexibility of creating your own schedule. Anna attends her online class in her pajamas. She gets away with it because her classroom is in her home. Anna is a full-time student learning from distance, and full time mother. She likes the online option because of its flexibility. “I don’t have to sit in class with my two little ones in day care. Instead, I can jump online anytime I like during the day,” said Anna who is preparing for a nursing degree. “What I liked most was the fact that I didn’t have to travel to another place, and I could work at my own place,” she said in an e-mail. Online students must be organized. Self-discipline and motivation are also important. Diana is a math instructor who has been teaching online classes for five and a half years. She had students who participated from far way. Many are returning students who have been working. They are focused on their goals, and are comfortable working hard. Taking classes online can have some unexpected benefits. For instance, the need to communicate questions by e-mail compels students to become better written communicators. Also, you don’t have to worry about appearance. Michael, a current online student, said in an e-mail, “I can just roll out of bed and not worry about how messy my hair is.” Anna included not having to fight for parking or paying for gas as added tuition fee. Taking classes online does have some drawbacks. Students complain about the difficulties of communicating online. Instructors complain about the students’ ability to use digital media. Online classes can end up taking more time than on-campus versions. “An online student should expect to spend at least 15 hours a week working on their assignments,” said Diana the math teacher. The extra time is needed because students must clearly demonstrate understanding of the material through email and online quizzes.
11.__________is the most important feature of online or distance learning.
A. A hard-working and motivated student
B. Studying online from a computer anywhere
C. A good course book
D. Flexible timetable
12.Distance learning allows Anna __________.
A. to study her favorite subject
B. to understand how to be a full-time mother
C. to become a nurse
D. to work on her study at home while taking care of her children
13.Comparing with the traditional classroom learners, online learners have to be__________.
A. highly motivated
B. disciplined
C. well-organized
D. All of the above
14.In the following statements, which is NOT the advantage of distance learning?
A. You can learn from home, wherever your home is.
B. You don’t need to care about your appearance when attending the class.
C. You can meet and talk to a lot of nice people.
D. You can attend the class anytime of the day, totally depending on your timetable.
15.According to the text, what is the drawback of distance learning?
A. Online classes can sometimes be time-consuming.
B. You cannot wear your favorite clothes to classes.
C. There is no one answering your questions.
D. Distance learning gives you a comfortable place to work in.

______ the heating if you feel cold.

A、Put away

B、 Turn on

C、 Turn down

D、 Take out

When a drug is one that should be used only under a doctor's supervision, the law requires that it be sold only by prescription (处方). Special tests or instructions may be needed. Drugs for serious diseases may require a prescription to insure safe and correct use.
A prescription is as personal as your name. It is designed for you alone. It is based on such factors as your age, weight, general health, allergies (过敏症), and other factors, as well as your illness.
Never take a prescription drug meant for another person, even if you think you have the same illness. Prescriptions aren't supposed to be traded around the family or neighborhood. Each prescription is intended for an individual. It is a violation of federal law to sell a prescription drug without a prescription.
Doctors and dentists are licensed by each state to prescribe drugs for human use. Doctors for veterinary (兽医的) medicine are licensed to prescribe drugs for animal use.
A licensed medical doctor must pass all examination m practice medicine in a certain state. Before doing this, he or she has probably completed at least two years of a premedical course, a four-year medical course, two years of internship (实习) or residency in a hospital, and perhaps an extra year or more of training in a specialty -- altogether at least eight years of medical training, possibly nine.
Don't take prescriptions written for you during a previous illness without first checking with your doctor. Your illness may not be the same as the previous one, even though you think it is. Also the drug may have lost strength. Only a doctor is qualified to advise you about continuing to take a medicine.
Why does the law require that some drugs be used under a doctor's prescription?
A.Because they are not safe.
B.Because they need further special tests.
C.Because they are meant to cure serious diseases.
D.Because the prescription can ensure the safe use of the drugs.
You must follow the directions exactly and if you become _____, you must take the time to go back again and reread them.
A. to confuse
B. confusing
C. confuse
D. confused
听力原文:M: Hi. I have a reservation for tonight.W: And your name?M: It's Nelson. Charles
听力原文:M: Hi. I have a reservation for tonight.
W: And your name?
M: It's Nelson. Charles Nelson.
W: Okay. Mr. Nelson. That's a room for five, and...
M: Excuse me? Do you mean a room for five dollars? I didn't know the special was so good.
W: No, no, no. According to our records, a room for five guests was booked under your name.
M: No. No. Hold on. There must be some mistake.
W: Okay. Let's check again. Okay, Mr. Charles
C.Nelson for tonight....
M: Ah. There's the problem. My name is Charles Nelson, not Charles C. Nelson. You must have two guests under the name.
W: Okay. Let me check again. Oh. Okay. Here we are. Charles Nelson. A room for one for the 19th....
M: Wait, wait! It was for tonight. Not tomorrow night.
W: Hum. I don't think we have any rooms for tonight. There's a convention going on in town, and uh, let's see. Yeah, no rooms.
M: Ah come on! You must have something. Anything.
W: Well. Let me check my computer here. Ah! There has been a cancellation for this evening. A honeymoon suite is now available.
M: Great. I'll take it.
W: But I'll have to charge you two hundred fifty dollars for the night.
M: Ah. I should get a discount for the inconvenience.
W: Well. The best I can give you is a ten percent discount plus a ticket for a free breakfast.
M: Hey. Isn't the breakfast free anyway?
W: Well, only on weekends.
M: Okay. That'll be fine.
A.The hotel clerk confused him with another guest.
B.Rooms were overbooked for that evening.
C.There were no more rooms available for five people.
D.The price for the room was higher than he expected.
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