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The baby can t even sit up yet,______walk !A.don

The baby can t even sit up yet,______walk !A.don"t mentionB.let aloneC.other thanD.rather

The baby can t even sit up yet,______walk !

A.don"t mention

B.let alone

C.other than

D.rather than


更多“The baby can t even sit …”相关的问题
Car crashes are the leading cause of injury and death among U.S. children, and though most of us now think of car seats as standard baby equipment, about half of all children under the age of four who died in vehicle accidents last year were not restrained. It is calculated that only about two-thirds of children ages five to fifteen buckle their seat belts.
Moreover, the traffic-safety agency estimates that even among parents who always strap their children in, 85% are not doing it properly. They often don't know where best to place the kids, don't use the proper restraint for their age and weight, or don't install the safety seats properly. Despite the reports about front seats collapsing onto back seats when certain car models get in accidents, the safest place in the car for any child up to the age of 12 is still the back seat. Babies up to 9 kg and one year old should ride in rear-Facing infant seats.
Never place a child under age 12 in the front seat with a working passenger-side air bag. These devices are discharged at 320 km/h and can be triggered by low-speed fender benders. They have killed 77 kids in the U.S. since 1993. If you must place a child in front, make sure the paasengar-side bag is switched off.
Children over age one should ride in forward-facing safety seats with a five-point harness system. A child who weighs at least 18 kg or at least 1m high can graduate to a booster seat that elevates her so that the standard shoulder and lap belt fits properly.x
What does the author mainly discuss in this passage?
A.How to avoid car crash.
B.How to design safer baby equipment.
C.How to educate children properly.
D.How to properly secure children in the ear.
We can't afford a bicycle ()a car.A. even ifB. let aloneC. let out
We can't afford a bicycle ()a car.
A. even if
B. let alone
C. let out
Do other animals besides humans cry? The answer to the question is ‘Yes, and no’. All animals with mobile eyes have the ability to cry, just as we humans do. They have a tearing system that keeps their eyes wet so as to protect them from dry sand, dusts, and other elements. People often tell tales of animals such as elephants and dogs weeping when punished. However, even if such an animal does shed tears, there is no scientific evidence that the animal is expressing the tear-related emotions similar to those when humans cry. But what about when a baby chimp or ape whimpers and screams when it’s being separated from its mother, can we say with some certainty that the animal is crying? Taking away the babies does encourage care-giving such as feeding and protecting from the mother apes, but it is uncertain whether the baby apes feel the same way as baby humans do when they cry. In fact, it’s not clear that crying and other emotional displays mean exactly the same thing to all humans. For instance, there is a wide range of emotions that prompt people to cry, and some kinds of weeping, such as crying at a stranger’s wedding, seem to be cultural responses. In addition, some people are autistic. That means they prefer being alone than being with other people, especially in large crowds. These people are said to have less ability in expressing their emotions, but research also has shown that it’s more that their expressions and their reactions to the emotional expressions of others are unusual. Different. But does that mean that their sadness is different somehow? So even if apes can be said with some certainty to be feeling emotions, then there is the problem of figuring out to what extent what they feel resembles what humans feel.
10.What does the author mean by “Yes, and no” in line 1, paragraph 1?
A. Other animals besides humans cry
B. No other animals besides humans cry
C. Animals cry but do not cry like humans
D. Animals cry but humans do not cry
11.Which of the following statement is true?
A. All animals have mobile eyes
B. All animals have a tearing system
C. Tearing system keeps animals’ eyes wet
D. Animals cry when being punished
12.Baby chimps or apes cry because__________.
A. they are being separated from their mothers
B. the reason is not clear
C. they feel the same way as baby humans do
D. they need to be fed and protected
13.Why human beings cry?
A. There a wide range of reasons.
B. People cry because they attend a stranger’s wedding.
C. Crying means exactly the same thing to all humans.
D. Because of cultural responses.
14.It can be inferred from the passage that __________.
A. it is uncertain to say to what extent apes feel the same emotions as humans
B. it is sure that apes can feel emotions
C. some people prefer being alone because they’re not good at communication
D. people’s emotions are different

Even with the task of raising her baby, she is () able to work full time as a waitress
Even with the task of raising her baby, she is () able to work full time as a waitress.
Michael: They are testing the 3D printer. Don’t you come and see it?

Lucas: What? Never heard of it.

Michael: It is one of the most latest technological?innovations.

Lucas: Really?(1)_________.

Michael: Come on! You should learn to be?open-minded.

Lucas: (2)_________.

Michael: The 3D printing technology could be used in construction, engineering, biomedicine, and many other fields. It can print anything, a house, a car, even a liver!

Lucas: That can’t be true.I will never believe this.

Michael: (3)_________. All these will be absolutely carried out by 3D printers. There’ s a company called Natural Machines has introduced a 3D printer for food producing.

Lucas: I guess that there are a lot of procedures involved in this process. So this printer must be very big.

Michael:(4)_________. It can print all kinds of dessert and starter.

Lucas: Is it expensive?


A.It is about $. 1, 000

B.Maybe its functions are questionable

C.It is really true.

D.What are the main functions of it?

E.In fact, it is as big as an oven
In 1977 , a dead author of detective stories saved the life of a nineteen-month-old b
In 1977 , a dead author of detective stories saved the life of a nineteen-month-old baby in a most unusual way. The author was Agatha Christie, a gentle married lady and one of the most successful writers of detective stories in the world.
In June 1977 , a baby girl became seriously ill in Qatar (卡塔尔) , near Sandi Arabia(沙特阿拉伯) . Doctors were unable to find out the cause of her illness, so she was flown to London and sent to Hammersmith Hospital. A team of doctors hurried to examine the baby only to discover that they, too, were puzzled by the very unusual signs of illness. While they were having a discussion about the baby's illness, a nurse asked to speak to them.
―Excuse me,‖ said Nurse Marsha Maitland, ―but I think the baby is suffering from thallium poisoning(铊中毒) .‖
―What makes you think that‖ Dr. Brown asked. ―Thallium poisoning is very rare.‖
―A few days ago, I was reading a novel called A Pale Horse' by Agatha Christie,‖ Nurse Maitland explained.“In the book, somebody uses thallium poison, and all the signs are exactly the same as the baby' s . ”
―You are very careful and you may be right,‖ another doctor said. ―we‘ll carry out some tests and find out whether it' s thallium(铊) or not.‖
Tests showed that the baby had indeed been poisoned by thallium. Once they knew the cause of the illness, the doctors were able to give the baby the correct treatment. She soon recovered and was sent back to Qatar. Later on it was proved that the poison might have come from an insecticide(杀虫剂) used in Qatar.
(1). Who first suggested the correct cause of the baby's illness ().
A、A Doctor in Qatar.
B、Nurse Maitland.
C、Dr. Brown.
D、Agatha Christie.
(2). Why was the baby sent to London ().
A、She was a British girl whose parents were working in Qatar.
B、The hospitals in Qatar were full at that time.
C、She was the daughter of a doctor in one of the places.
D、The Qatar doctors were not sure they could cure her.
(3). As far as we can tell from passage, Agatha Christie. ()
A、had never even met this baby.
B、had spent a long time as a police officer.
C、visited the baby in the hospital at Hammersmith.
D、gave Nurse Maitland some advice on the phone .
(4). Nurse Maitland spoke to the doctors().
A、when she heard them discussing the possibility of thallium poison.
B、because she could see that the doctors had made a mistake.
C、to suggest a possible reason for the patient' s illness.
D、after she had read about a horse which had been poisoned.
(5). What did the doctor think of the suggestion which Nurse Maitland made ().
A、They were very quick to agree with her.
B、They were unhappy over her interruption.
C、They said that she was wrong because thallium poisoning is very rare.
D、They thought it was a possibility worth considering.

We live in a computer age. People ___21___ scientists, teachers, writers and even students use computers to do all kinds of work. But more than 30 years ago, computers couldn't do much. They were very big and expensive. Very ___22___ people were interested in them and knew how to use them. Today computers are smaller and ___23___. But they can do a lot of work, many people like to use them. Some people even have them at home.
Computers become very important because they can work faster than people and make fewer mistakes. Computers can ___24___ people do a lot of work. Writers now use computers to write. Teachers use them to help teaching. Students use them to study. Computers can also remember what you ___25___ them. Computers are very useful and helpful. They are our friends. Do you want to have a computer?
D.put into
D.put into
D.put into
D.put into
D.put into
Futurists love computers. After all,40 years ago electronic digital computers didn't exist; today microchips as tiny as a baby's fingernail are making all sorts of tasks faster and easier. Surely the future holds still more miracles.
Some of the computer experiments now going on inspire exciting visions of the future. For example, scientists are working on devices that can electronically perform. some sight and hearing functions, which could make life easier for the blind and deaf. They're also working on artificial arms and legs that respond to the electric impulses produced by the human brain. Scientists hope that some day a person who's lost an arm could still have near-normal brain control over an artificial arm.
Video games, computerized special effects in movies, and real-life training machines now being used by the US Army are causing some people to predict new educational uses for computers. Computers could some day be used to simulate travel to other planets, to explore the ocean floor, or to look inside an atom.
Experiments with electronic banking and shopping inspire predictions that these activities will soon be done from home computer terminals. Cars, too, might be equipped with computers to help drivers find their way around (Honda has one in an experimental car) or to communicate with home and office computers. Many people, including handicapped workers with limited ability to move around, already are working at home using computer terminals. Each terminal is connected to a system at a company's main office. Some futurists say the day may come when few people will have to leave home to go to work -- they'll just turn on a terminal
A growing number of factories such as the General Motors Plant in Newark, Delaware, "hire" computerized robots to perform. tasks such as spot welding. Some executives get a gleam in their eyes as they envision the spread of these "perfect workers" -- no coffee breaks, no strikes, and no vacations or sick days.
These modern and potential computer uses are possible because of the silicon microchip.
These chips, which have become increasingly complex since their beginning in 1959, contain a network of information pathways. Electronic impulses travel along the paths. The plans for a chip look much like a city street plan and can be as large as a football field. It can take as long as three months to complete a new chip design. Chips are used to store information, too. An entire "computer" can be put onto one chip -- called a microprocessor.
As chips become even more complex, easier to make, and less costly, futurists predict limitless possibilities. A group of Japanese scientists is working on a new generation of computers, which they hope will be able to understand vocal instructions, talk back to their users, and automatically try out alternate solutions to a problem to come up with the best answer.
Some people say that the humans of the future will never be without their companion -- computers. Predicting the future can be tricky, of course. In 1948 an IBM study predicted that there would never be enough demand for computers to justify going into the business!
What is the purpose of the passage?
A.To tell the readers what computers will look like in the future.
B.To show the close relations between man and computers.
C.To tell the readers how important silicon microchips are.
D.To talk about the possible future uses of computers.
An annual report provides __1__ information about an organization.People read annual reports in different ways. Some even __2__ to start at the back and work their way to the beginning. It makes __3__ difference how you read them as long as you get the essential points of the business and its financial condition.However, there is a good way to solve these reports that is __4__ most efficient and most effective. You can’ t possibly go any further in your research __5__ knowing what the company does! How can you insure that you have understood the report? Just ask yourself if you understand what the company does and who its customers are.




Everyone seems to be in favor of progress. But " progress" is a funny word. It doesn't necessarily mean that something has become stronger, wiser, or better. It simply means changing it from being one thing to another and sometimes it turns out to be worse than before.
Consider medicine, for instance. No one can deny that medical progress has enriched our lives tremendously. Because of medical advances, we eat better, live easier and are able to take care of ourselves more efficiently. We can cure disease with no more than one injection or a pill. If we have a serious accident, surgeons can put us back together again. If we are born with something defective, they can repair it. They can make us happy, restore our normality, ease our pain, replace worn parts and give us children. They can even bring us back from the dead. These are wonderful achievements, but there is a price we have to pay.
Because medicine has reduced infant mortality and natural death so significantly, the population has been rising steadily, in spite of serious efforts to reduce the rate of population growth. Less than a century ago in the United Stales, infant mortality claimed more than half of the newborn within the first year of life. Medical advances, however, have now reduced that rate to nearly zero. A child born in the United States today has better than a 90% chance of survival. Furthermore, medical advances have ensured that most of these infants will live to be seventy years of age or more, and even that life expectancy increases every year. The result of this progress is an enormous population increase that threatens the quality of life, brought about by progress in the medical profession.
According to this passage, " progress" doesn't always mean that______.
A.something has become stronger and better
B.something has been changed from being one thing to another
C.something has become funny
D.something turns out to be worse than before
The sense of sound is one of our most important means of knowing what is going on around us. Sound has a waste product, too, in the form. of noise. Noise has been called unwanted sound. Noise is growing and it may get much worse before it gets any better.
Scientists, for several years, have been studying how noise affects people and animals. They are surprised by what they have learned. Peace and quiet are becoming harder to find. Noise pollution is a threat that should be looked at carefully.
There is a saying that it is so noisy that you can't hear yourself think. Doctors who study noise believe that we must sometimes hear ourselves think. If we don't, we may have headaches, other aches and pains, or even worse mental problems.
Noise adds more tension to a society that already faces enough stress.
But noise is not a new problem. In ancient Rome, people complained so much about noise that the government stopped chariots(战车) from moving through the streets at night!
Ways of making less noise are now being tested. There are even laws controlling noise. We cannot return to the "good old days" of peace and quiet. But we can reduce noise—if we shout loudly enough about it.
Why are scientists surprised by the findings in their noise study?
A.Because the world is becoming increasingly noisy.
B.Because they have learned that noise is also is also a kind of pollution.
C.Because noise is an unwanted waste for human beings.
D.Because people knew little about noise before.

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