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1 Every year thousands of people are arrested and taken to court for shop-lifting.In Britain alone, about HK $ 3,000,000's worth of goods are stolen from shops every week. This amounts to something like HK $150 million a year, and represents about 4 per cent of the shops' total stock. As a result of this "shrinkage" as the shops call it, the honest public has to pay higher prices.

2 Shop-lifters can be divided into three main categories: the professionals, the deliberate amateurs, and the people who just can't help themselves. The professionals do not pose much of a problem for the store detectives, who, assisted by closed circuit television, two way mirrors and various other technological devices, can usually cope with them. The professionals tend to go for high value goods in parts of the shops where security measures are tightest. And, in any case, they account for only a small percentage of the total losses due to shop-lifting.

3 The same applies to the deliberate amateur who is, so to speak, a professional in training. Most of them get caught sooner or later, and they are dealt with severely by the courts.

4 The real problem is the person who gives way to a sudden temptation and is in all other respects an honest and law-abiding citizen. Contrary to what one would expect, this kind of

shop-lifter is rarely poor. He does not steal because he needs the goods and cannot afford to pay for them. He steals because he simply cannot stop himself. And there are countless others who, because of age, sickness or plain absent-mindedness, simply forget to pay for what they take from the shops. When caught, all are liable to prosecution, and the decision whether to send for the police or not is in the hands of the store manager.

5 In order to prevent the quite incredible growth in shop-lifting offences, some stores, in fact, are doing their best to separate the thieves from the confused by prohibiting customers from taking bags into the store. However, what is most worrying about the whole problem is, perhaps, that it is yet another instance of the innocent majority being penalized and inconvenienced because of the actions of a small minority. It is the aircraft hijack situation in another form. Because of the possibility of one passenger in a million boarding an aircraft with a weapon, the other 999,999 passengers must subject themselves to searches and delays. Unless the situation in the shops improves, in ten years' time we may all have to subject ourselves to a body-search every time we go into a store to buy a tin of beans!

Why does the honest public have to pay higher prices when they go to the shops?

A.There is a "shrinkage" in market values.

B.Many goods are not available.

C.Goods in many shops lack variety.

D.There are many cases of shop-lifting.

更多“1 Every year thousands o…”相关的问题
Every year thousands of lives_______in road accidents because of careless driving.

A、are lost


C、have lost

After having lived for over twenty years in the same district, Albert Hall was forced to move to a new neighborhood. He surprised his landlord by telling him that he was leaving because he could not afford to buy any more chocolate.
It all began a year ago when Albert Hall returned home one evening and found a large dog in front of his gate. He was very fond of animals and as he happened to have a small piece of chocolate in his pocket, he gave it to the dog. The next day, the dog was there again. It held up its paws (爪子) and received another piece of chocolate as a reward. Albert called his new friend “Bingo”. He never found out the dog's real name, nor who his owner was. However, Bingo appeared regularly every afternoon and it was quite clear that he liked chocolate more than bones. He soon grew dissatisfied with small pieces of chocolate and demanded a large bar a day. If at any time Albert couldn't give it, Bingo got very angry and refused to let him open the gate. Albert was now at Bingo's mercy and had to “buy him” to get into his own house! He spent such a large part of his week's wage to keep Bingo supplied with chocolate that in the end he had to move somewhere else.
1)、Albert had been living in the same district for all his life.
2)、Albert decided to move because he was afraid of animals, especially dogs.
3)、Bingo waited for Albert every afternoon at the gate because he liked Albert.
4)、We can tell from the story that Albert could afford to buy a large bar of chocolate for Bingo every day.
5)、Albert had to “buy him” means Albert had to give him chocolate.
Every year students in many countries learn English. Some of these students are children, the other students are young people. Why do all these people want to learn __21__? It is not easy to answer this question. Many boys and girls learn English at school. It is one of their subjects. Many people learn English because it is __22__ in their work. Some young people learn English for their higher studies because some of their books are written __23__ English. Other people learn English because they want to __24__ newspapers in English. Some people learn English because they want to work in the USA, England or Australia. English is very __25__ in our life.
In the 19th century, it was common to hear people in Europe and America say that the resources of the sea were unlimited. For example, a famous biologist said () the mid 1800s that resources of the sea were (). Today there's () that the resources of the sea are as seriously threatened as () of the land and the ai (), the threat to fish is greater () than the threat to birds and land animals because fish are a () needed food resource. Many people throughout the world () fish as an important part of their food and a reduction () the fish supply could have wide () on hunger and the population. Fishermen in the Atlantic, every year, () 20 billion pounds of fish to () food demands. But it is important to () that these practices cannot continue () the using up of the fish resources within the next few years.
Sea resources are () declining in many parts of the world and the problem cannot be (). It is only () care and planning in this generation () the food () of the sea can continue () future generations.
1、A) on B) in C) at D) by
2、A) exhaustible B) inexhaustible C) vast D) uncountable
3、A) fact B) event C) evidence D) trend
4、A) that B) those C) which D) what
5、A) Furthermore B) Regardless of C) Fortunately D) In addition to
6、A) by the way B) under way C) in some ways D) to such an extent
7、A) many B) as C) much D) such
8、A) apply B) utilize C) organize D) depend on
9、A) for B) at C) in D) on
10、A) affects B) results C) effects D) significance
11、A) get B) breed C) consume D) devise
12、A) provide B) meet C) supply D) present
13、A) refer B) represent C) recognize D) reveal
11、A) by B) for C) in D) with
15、A) rapidly B) almost C) frequently D) effectively
16、A) considered B) adapted C) ignored D) acquired
17、A) with B) under C) in D) by
18、A) in which B) by which C) in this way D) that
19、A) deposits B) supplies C) components D) blocks
20、A) with B) by C) for D) on

How long have you been in the small town?()

A、about 1 year

B、Not long at all

C、Its a short time


FY(Financial year)财政年度,宜家的财政年度为每年1月1日至12月31日()

29、0ctober 1 is __()

A、May Day

B、Children's Day

C、National Day

D、New Year's Day

Even if we can reduce our birth _______ to 1%, it still means 13 million new babies every year.

A、 pace

B、 rate

C、 speed

D、 number

On 1 October 20X4, Hoy Co had $2·5 million of equity share capital (shares of 50 cents each)in issue. No new shares were issued during the year ended 30 September 20X5, but on that date there were outstanding share options which had a dilutive effect equivalent to issuing 1·2 million shares for no consideration. Hoy’s profit after tax for the year ended 30 September 20X5 was $1,550,000.
In accordance with IAS 33 Earnings Per Share, what is Hoy’s diluted earnings per share for the year ended 30 September 20X5?


A、delete from 球员信息 where 出生日期<=#12/31/1959# or 是否退役

B、delete from 球员信息 where year(出生日期)<1960 or 是否退役

C、delete from 球员信息 where year(出生日期)<1960 and month(出生日期)<1 or 是否退役

D、elete from 球员信息 where 出生日期<#1960-1-1# or 是否退役

One of the things I am really fond of is the weekly shopping experience. I like toimag
One of the things I am really fond of is the weekly shopping experience. I like to
imagine pushing the trolley slowly around the supermarket and taking anything that
interests me. But my experience is not always so exciting. First it is difficult to get
a shopping trolley. Carefully designed not only to hold all shapes and sizes of
purchases, a single trolley is hard to get out of the line of trolley s where it is
parked. Often one needs the help of two strong men. The next lesson is that women never
follow a logical route when shopping. Your wife has disappeared before you know it.
After ten minutes of searching, when you finally find her in a far corner, she
enquires: “Where have you been all this time, dear?” Supermarket managers are sent on
courses to learn how to tempt the customers and persuade them to buy goods they do not
really need, at prices they are not able afford. As a newcomer, I am often taken in by
their clever techniques, as I take many goods off the shelves. But I am often
discouraged by my wife. “Put it back, dear.” “You’ve tried that before and didn’t
take to it.” “No, it’s too expensive.” After the week’s groceries have been
collected, the last trial is passing through the checkout counter. Never join the
shortest queue. It usually contains several shoppers who pay by writing out a personal
cheque and who wait until all their purchases have been totaled up before beginning a
mad search through their handbags for their cheque books. When the book is found, the
customer never knows the date, asks again for the forgotten total and forgets to put
the address on the back. Don’t be fooled, either, by thinking that this is the end of
the exercise. When the cheque has been carefully examined by the cashier, a bell rings
, and there is a further wait until a supervisor arrives to say that the cheque can be
accepted. Then it is our turn, and the checkout girl is so quick and efficient that we
don’t have time to get our own chequebook ready. But the people who are packing our
shopping are kind and give us friendly smiles When we come once more into the great
outside world, a broken egg is running down my trousers. I hear the voice of my wife
call out: “Oops, dear, mind the trolley.” Shopping!
1. How often does the author go shopping?
A. every day
B. every week
C. every month
D. every year
2. The author does not find his shopping experience always ______.
A. exciting
B. useful
C. embarrassing
D. time-consuming
3.The last trial is ____________________________.
A. collecting groceries
B. passing through the checkout counter
C. having a rest
D. saying goodbye
4. Who comes to check whether the cheque can be accepted.
A. The supervisor
B. The manager
C. The salesgirl
D. The husband
5. When they come into the great outside world, the author finds that ______.
A. he can’t find the car
B. he can’t find his wife
C. a ten-dollar note on the ground
D. a broken egg is running down his trousers

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