题目内容 (请给出正确答案)


A、Because the cabin doors are still open

B、Because their flight is canceled

C、Because they can change the flight for free

Extended family
In an extended family, all the people share one household. Apart from parents and children, there may be other family members: grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc. That is to say, a large family may have more than two generations, and often there are more than two adults from different generations of a family.
The family members live together for many reasons. They may help to bring up children or to take care of an ill relative. They may also help with saving money. Sometimes children are brought up by their grandparents, for their parents have died or can never take care of them. Many grandparents look after the children, particularly when both parents are busy working. This large family is called extended family. It can be found all over the world. The number of these families has increased by 40 percent in the past ten years. Most of such families live happily together.
1. In an extended family, people live in different houses.()
2. An extend family includes at least three generations. ()
3.In an extended family, children are looked after by their grandparents because their parents are traveling around. ()
4. Extended families can be found all over the world. ()
5. Children can live happily with their parents and grandparents. ()
Successful events don' t just happen - they' re the result of __1__ .The __2__ the event, the bigger the plan. Just because Christian events are usually run by volunteers doesn' t mean you can get away with less planning. The more effort you put in beforehand, the more successful your event will be. Here are the key issues you need to think about when planning your event.
Choose an event people want to come to. You don' t want people coming to your event just because they' re supporting their church. You want them to come because they want to be there, because the event is so compelling they can' t afford to __3__ it. __4__ it' s a concert or teaching event, a visiting speaker or a drama production, make sure the content will __5__ the people you expect to be there……




阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容从A.B.C 三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。
The old saying “practice makes perfect” applies to interviewing too.Conduct practice interviews with a friend or family member, and ask for their feedback. You can also record or videotape your responses __1__ you can review your answers and check your body language. Prepare answers to commonly __2__ interview questions. Doing so will help you analyze your background and qualifications for the position.Also prepare a list of questions you want to ask the interviewer.Remember, you aren' t __3__ trying to get the job - you are also interviewing the employer to assess __4__ this company and the position are a good fit for you. The more you practice, the more self-assured you will feel walking in to the interview. Your answers will feel natural, and interviewers will be impressed by your __5__ .




Reading Comprehension 阅读理解 Let's look at another example of how people's communication patterns differ: the way

Reading Comprehension 阅读理解


Let's look at another example of how people's communication patterns differ: the way people converse. Some foreigners have observed that when Americans carry on a conversation, it seems as if they are having a Ping-Pong game. One person has the ball and then hits it to the other side of the table. The other player hits the ball back and the game continues. If one person doesn't return the ball, then the conversation stops. Each part of the conversation follows this pattern: the greeting and the opening, the discussion of a topic, and the closing and farewell. If either person talks too much, the other may become impatient and feel that he is dominating the conversation. Similarly, if one person doesn't say enough or ask enough questions to keep the conversation going, the conversation stops.

Many North Americans, are impatient with culturally different conversation styles simply because the styles are unfamiliar. For example, to many North Americans it seems that some Latin Americans dominate conversations, or hold the ball too long. Speaking of her co-workers from several Latin American countries, one North American woman said, “I just find it difficult to cut in. They seem to take such a long time to express themselves. They give you a lot of unnecessary details.” When she talked with them, she became tense, because she found it so hard to participate. Yet she also noted that when they talked to each other, nobody seemed uncomfortable or left out.

The North American woman didn't know how to interrupt the Latin American conversations because North American ways of listening and breaking in are very different. She had been taught to listen politely until the other person finished talking. (Once again, there are gender (性别) differences; it has been observed that men tend to interrupt women more than women interrupt men. )When the North American woman did what was “natural” or “normal” for her (i. e. , listen politely without interrupting), she was not comfortable in the conversation with the Latin Americans. The result was that she became more passive in her conversations with her co-workers. The differences between the unspoken rules of conversation of each cultural group interfered with their on-the-job relationship.

26、When North Americans converse together, each one of the group is supposed to_______________.

A.participate in the talk

B.play Ping-Pong games

C.interrupt the speaker

D.dominate the conversation

27、When North Americans converse with the Latin Americans, the North Americans would feel_______________.


B.left out



28、To the North Americans, the Latin Americans are_______________.





29、We can infer from this passage that_______________.

A.people from different cultures cannot communicate with each other

B.different conversational styles may affect people's relationships

C.men are more talkative than women

D.North Americans' conversational habits are better than those of Latin Americans'

30、The best title for this passage is_______________.

A.Different Conversation Styles

B.Different Conversation Topics

C.Different Conversation Processes

D.Different Conversation Effects


  Today anyone will accept money in exchange for goods and services. People use

  money to buy food, furniture, books, bicycles and hundreds of others they need or want.

  When they work, they usually get paid in money.

  Most of the money today is made of metal pr paper. But people used to use all kinds

  of things as money. One of the first kinds of money was shells. Shells were not the only

  things used as money. In China, cloth and knives were used. In the Philippine Islands, rice

  was used as money. In parts of Africa, cattle were one of the earliest money. Other animals

  were used as money too.

  The first metal coins were made in China. They were round and had a square hole in

  the center. People strung them together and carried them from place to place. Different

  countries have used different metals and designs for their money. The first coins in

  England were made of tin. Sweden and Russia used copper to make their money. Later,

  other countries began to make coins of gold and silver.

  But even gold and silver were inconvenient if you had to buy something expensive.

  Again the Chinese thought of a way to improve money. They began to use paper money.

  The first paper money looked more like a note from one person to another than paper

  money used today.

  Money has had an interesting history from the days of shell money until today.

  1. Which of the following can be cited as an example of the use of money in exchange for


  A. To sell a bicycle for $20.

  B. To get some money for old books at a garage sale.

  C. To buy things you need or want.

  D. To get paid for your work.

  2. Where were shells used as money in history?

  A. In the Philippines. B. In China.

  C. In Africa. D. We don’t know.

  3. Why did ancient Chinese coins have a square hole in the center?

  A. Because it would be easier to put them together and carry them around.

  B. Because it would be lighter for people to carry from place to place.

  C. Because people wanted to make it look nicer.

  D. Because people wanted to save the expensive metal they were made from.

  4. Why does the author say that even gold and silver were inconvenient if you had to buy

  something expensive?

  A. Because they are difficult for people to obtain.

  B. Because they themselves are expensive, too.

  C. Because they are not easy to carry around.

  D. Because they are easy to steal.

  5. Which do you choose as the best title for this passage?

  A. Money and Its Use

  B. Different Things Used as Money

  C. Different Countries, Different Money

  D. The History of Money

______ I admit that the problems are difficult, I don’t agree that they can’t be solveD、





We can’t understand the text, _______ there are few new words in it.

A、 although









PAX: My ears feel funny. I can’t hear properly. CA: Don’t worry. It’s because of the change in air .()





Simon:Why()Jerry and Lisa play cards with us?Henry:Because they want to go to the movies.





We don't sell foreign newspapers because there is no________ for them。A.requestB.cl





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