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If you meet someone unexpectedly in the street, what do you say?()。

A、Nice to see you

B、Fancy meeting you here

C、Have you had your dinner

D、Long time no see

更多“If you meet someone unex…”相关的问题
In an ordinary mirror your right eye stares at your right eye and your left eye at your left eye--the opposite of the right-left, left-right connection we employ for assessing one another in the wild. The image in a True Mirror (which shows what you look like to others) can come as something of a shock. You tend to look the way you do in photographs, which for many people is also a shock. (This is the flip side (反面) of the start you sometimes get when looking at the reflected image of someone you are accustomed to seeing in person.) A newspaper headline held up to a True Mirror doesn't appear backward--it reads just fine. But your own face may seem oddly asymmetrical. Facial mannerisms nurtured in front of a normal mirror may in a True Mirror be revealed in a different light. "It is a wholly new view for many," the True Mirror's promotional literature concedes, "and not surprisingly, some don't like or feel uncomfortable with the new look."
Another issue: in a True Mirror you seem to have far less control over the figure in the glass than you do in a normal mirror. If you turn to the right in front of a normal mirror, the image turns with you and ends up facing in the same direction, completing the visual palindrome (回文). In a True Mirror the image faces the other way, as if you were about to begin pacing off for a duel with yourself; and when you take a step, the image steps away from you. In a normal mirror your reflected finger comes out to meet your real one until they touch, like Michelangelo's God and Adam. In a True Mirror the reflected finger comes at you from the other side of the glass, as if pointed by the other hand. Ordinarily, you have no difficulty looking at a normal mirror and guiding your hand to an object reflected in it. Try this with a True Mirror, and your grasp will prove errant. Shaving becomes a blood sport. If all the review mirrors in America's cars were suddenly replaced by True Mirrors, there could be a very special episode of ER (美国电视剧《急诊室》).
In an ordinary mirror your right eye stares at your right eye and your left eye at your left eye--the opposite of the right-left, left-right connection we employ for assessing one another in the wild. The image in a True Mirror (which shows what you look like to others) can come as something of a shock. You tend to look the way you do in photographs, which for many people is also a shock. (This is the flip side (反面) of the start you sometimes get when looking at the reflected image of someone you are accustomed to seeing in person.) A newspaper headline held up to a True Mirror doesn't appear backward--it reads just fine. But your own face may seem oddly asymmetrical. Facial mannerisms nurtured in front of a normal mirror may in a True Mirror be revealed in a different light. "It is a wholly new view for many," the True Mirror's promotional literature concedes, "and not surprisingly, some don't like or feel uncomfortable with the new look."
Another issue: in a True Mirror you seem to have far less control over the figure in the glass than you do in a normal mirror. If you turn to the right in front of a normal mirror, the image turns with you and ends up facing in the same direction, completing the visual palindrome (回文). In a True Mirror the image faces the other way, as if you were about to begin pacing off for a duel with yourself; and when you take a step, the image steps away from you. In a normal mirror your reflected finger comes out to meet your real one until they touch, like Michelangelo's God and Adam. In a True Mirror the reflected finger comes at you from the other side of the glass, as if pointed by the other hand. Ordinarily, you have no difficulty looking at a normal mirror and guiding your hand to an object reflected in it. Try this with a True Mirror, and your grasp will prove errant. Shaving becomes a blood sport. If all the review mirrors in America's cars were suddenly replaced by True Mirrors,
A.as reflected in water
B.what we look like to others
C.in photographs
D.in a True Mirror

A、Nice meet you

B、Nice to meet you

C、Nice to meet you, too


A、Nice meet you

B、Nice to meet you

C、Nice to meet you,too


A、Nice meet you

B、Nice to meet you

C、I like panda

--Hi, Jim! Nice to meet you.-- _________.A.CertainlyB.Many thanksC.OKD.Nice to meet you
--Hi, Jim! Nice to meet you.
-- _________.
B.Many thanks
D.Nice to meet you, too
You may have the business qualifications(合格证明).You have an excellent record of good
You may have the business qualifications(合格证明).You have an excellent record of good education and work experience.However,without good business manners you will not succeed.Treating people with respect should be second nature to you.It helps you get on well with the people you work with and with your bosses.It always pays to be polite.Here are some tips to help improve your business manners.If you are behind schedule,remember to take the time to contact your next appointment so that the person you are due to meet is aware of the delay.If necessary,you should rearrange the meeting for a more convenient time.Try not to leave any caller on hold for too long.It is better to tell someone you will call back when you are free.Be sure to return calls as soon as you can.If you cannot return the call immediately,apologize(道歉)to the caller for the delay.Try to respond to letters within a set time.Keep a record of requests for reply within a certain time.Make a note in your diary of other deadlines(最后期限)for your work.If you are unable to respond quickly,write a short letter to the other person to explain the delay and tell him when you will reply.If you want to take a customer or a business friend out for lunch,you had better choose the restaurant and let your guest choose the time.You may think that you are not being paid as much as you should be.Do not discuss the matter with your colleagues.A good way is to contact an employment agency to find out the "going rate".Armed with this objective information,you can discuss your salary with your boss.
1. What does the author emphasize for a person's success in business?_____
A. Business qualifications.
B. An excellent record of education.
C. Work experience.
D. Business manners.
2. What does the author mean by saying "It pays to be polite"?_____
A. You must be paid more money to be polite.
B. You have to pay for your training to be polite.
C. To be polite will eventually benefit you.
D. Customers pay for your being polite.
3. The word "tip" used in sentence 4,paragraph 2,refers to _____.
A. a useful hint or idea
B. a pointed end of anything
C. a piece of secret information
D. a small amount of money given in return for a service
4. When you know you are going to be late for an appointment,you should _____.
A. inform. the person you're meeting of your delay
B. leave the person a message telling him not to wait long
C. tell the person to postpone the meeting
D. apologize for taking the other person's time
5. If you think you are underpaid,it is suggested that you _____.
A. go directly to your boss and discuss the matter frankly
B. ask your colleagues secretly how much they earn
C. go to an employment agent to look for another job
D. get objective information about the job market first

If someone ever shed a tear _______ your drinking, then you are an alcoholic.A: beca
If someone ever shed a tear _______ your drinking, then you are an alcoholic.
A: because of
B: because
C: as
D: since
---How are you?


A、Fine, thanks.

B、How do you do.

C、Nice to meet you.

— ___________________— Once or twice a week.A、How soon will you arrange for me to visit

A、How soon will you arrange for me to visit someone at home?

B、 How often will you arrange for me to visit someone at home?

C、 How long will you arrange for me to visit someone at home?

开学了,Peter又见到Gao Wei,他高兴地说()

A、Nice to meet you again

B、Glda to meet you

C、Look,this is GaoWei

A.tell someone to go away because you don't want to talkB.tell someone to start asking a questionC.选项4
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