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—I'll also throw in the discount of 10% on your up front deposit. What do you think about this suggestion? —______________.

—I'll also throw in the discount of 10% on your up front deposit. What do you think about this suggestion? —______________.

A、Ok, I think we've both have done our best for this

B、No, the suggestion is too bad 23

C、Ok, you will benefit more than us

更多“—I'll also throw in …”相关的问题
—I'll also throw in the discount of 10% on your up front deposit. What do you think about this suggestion? —______________.
A、Ok, I think we've both have done our best for this
B、No, the suggestion is too bad
C、Ok, you will benefit more than us

听力原文:W: Alexander, you speak quite good English. How did you learn a foreign language so well? You know English is really a headache for me. I just don't know how to learn it well.
M: Well, when learning a foreign language, I would surround myself in the language, the target language, that I wanted to learn.
W: Surround oneself in the language? I think it is difficult to do that. Can you explain how you do it?
M: Uh, for example, I would watch a movie in that language, uh, which would help me keep motivated to learn vocabulary and phrases.
W: That sounds interesting.
M: Yeah, you'll have a lot of fun by doing so.
W: I see. A little hit of practice every day is very important to language learning.
M: Yes. Regular practice is also better than practicing a lot in one day. Learning a language well needs patience and perseverance.
W: Then what else did you do to learn a foreign language?
M: Well, I would keep a situational notebook.
W: What is that used for?
M: Ur, for example, in a restaurant, you use a certain phrase over and over again, and so if you can remember just one particular phrase in each setting, then you can immediately speak that language and have more confidence and you get more out of learning the language, I think.
W: Really? I'll try that. Thank you for your advice.
M: You're welcome.
A.He's offering some suggestions about learning foreign languages.
B.He's asking the woman for help to improve his English.
C.He's discussing with the woman how to listen to a language regularly.
D.He's talking about the importance of taking notes in foreign languages learning.
听力原文:W: In the studio today we've got Roberta Wilson, who's a time management consultant. Good morning, Roberta.
M: Good morning, Cindy.
W: Roberta, what exactly do time management consultants do?
M: Well, Cindy, it's all about helping people to organize their work in an ef fective way: maximum efficiency; minimum stress.
W: Hah, sounds like something I need. Who are your clients?
M: Um, mainly business people, but I've also worked with politicians, civil servants and university lecturers.
W: Um, quite a range, then. And what sort of things help people to organ ize their time? I suppose punctuality is important.
M: Um, yes and no. It's easier to finish a meeting on time if it starts on time. But in international contexts, you do have to be aware of cultural differences.
W: For example?
M: Well, in Britain big, formal meetings usually start on time, but less for mal meetings often begin a few minutes late. In Germany, on the other hand, people expect all meetings to begin on time; In some countries, er, for example, in Latin America, there's a more relaxed attitude. So, you d6 have to adapt to circumstances.
W: Um, it sounds like even if you manage your own time very well, you still can't control what other people do.
M. Well, you can set limits. If you're meeting a friend who always arrives late, you can say, "Well, I'm going to wait for 15 minutes. If they aren't there by then, I'll leave,"
W: Hmm. I've got one friend who's always late. I don't think I'd ever see her if I did that.
M: Hah, but people who are always late are the ones you need to set limits with. If they know that you won't wait, then, perhaps they'll make an effort.
W: Isn't that rather harsh?
M: No, not really. Someone who constantly turns up late is putting a low value on your time. Let them know you've got other things to do. And I'm not suggesting you do that with everyone just the persistent latecomers.
A.To help people to organize their work in an effective way.
B.To help people to become efficient at their jobs.
C.To help people to arrange their time properly.
D.To help people to reduce stress.

Much has been written about the potential for management to become isolated from customers and employees. This phenomenon often occurs not just within top management, but also within middle management.
I've seen this isolation phenomenon in many companies. The symptoms are quite apparent: Managers spend a great deal of time talking to themselves and studying operating numbers. They spend precious little time with customers or with employees, trying to understand the system of the business. And when they do spend time with them, they often do not probe deeply into needs, concerns, and opportunities. This phenomenon, often referred to as being" internally focused," can be tremendously insidious.
Although the need for understanding and spending time with customers has been well documented, I find few managers spending time in the field. The benefits of doing so are clear. A visit with your counterparts at customers' distribution centers, for example, not only builds relationships that can prove useful when problems arise, but also uncovers numerous opportunities to enhance your performance and deepen your company's linkage with those customers.
There are many ways to connect with and understand employee perspectives. Some companies have found formal sessions in which senior managers solicit ideas from employees to be very useful. These can be run either as focus groups or as structured discussions.
Managers also should exploit every opportunity to gather organizational knowledge from employees. Some successful managers collect employees' opinions by what often is referred to as" managing by walking around" or the" 10-minute cup of coffee. "They may, for example, go to employees' offices and solicit, their opinions. Or at lunch or when they take a cup of coffee, they" mix with the troops" and solicit their input.
Rather than talk about the latest game, you can solicit employees' ideas by asking questions like: What are you working on? How's it going? What's good about our organization? What could be better? How could we better serve our customers or improve our processes? What do you think we Should be doing differently?
You'll be surprised at how valuable a" 10-minute cup of coffee" together with a brief conversation with an employee can be. It will make you a more effective manager.
What is the common problem in management?
A.Infrequent contact with customers and employees.
B.Managers spend little time on study.
C.Managers do not know their employees well.
D.Managers lack of experience.
The US dollar reached an all-time low against the euro yesterday for the fourth straight day, briefly pushing the European currency above $1.33 before recovering slightly, amid concerns about the twin US deficits and the lack of any central bank action to stop the dollar's decline.
The dollar also dipped to a nearly five-year low against the yen, but later regained ground.
Yesterday, the euro rose to $1.3329 in early trading before dipping back to $1.3290 later in New York. The euro topped $1.32 for the first time the day before in European trading. US markets were closed Thursday for the Thanksgiving holiday.
The dollar also traded near its lowest levels since December 1999 against the Japanese yen yesterday, slipping to 102.56 yen, down from 102.81 late Wednesday in New York.
One reason the euro has kept rising is a lack of concerted action by central banks to support the dollar by selling holdings of the other major currencies.
"$1.35 is definitely on the cards now, as for how soon we'll get there, I'm not sure," said Riz Din, a currency analyst with Barclay's Capital in London.
"It increasingly looks as if, despite weaker data in the euro area, the prospects for intervention, are very, very low at current rates."
The latest dollar collapse, fueled by concerns over the US trade and budget deficits, has taken the euro from around $1.20 about two months ago.
Because the euro's rise tends to make European products more expensive, European leaders have voiced fears that it might hurt the continent's export-driven economic recovery. The European Central Bank's president has called the rapid increase "brutal".
But the dollar's weakness is good news for US exporters, helping make American products less expensive overseas.
Commerzbank economist Michael Schubert said speculation against the dollar was making its slide "a bit faster than I had expected".
"Obviously, it's difficult to stop the train," Mr. Schubert said in Frankfurt. A combination of intervention by central banks and positive US economic data could apply the brakes, he added.
Economists say the European Central Bank (ECB) is wary of intervening in the currency markets on its own and the United States Would be unlikely to join in such a move.
According to the text, the dollar
A.has reached its lowest level against euro yesterday.
B.was lower than euro in the past four continuous days.
C.is still staying in a worse position than the yen.
D.kept failing despite the central bank's adoption of active measures.
回答题Text 2Every year for more than a decade I"ve gone with some good male friends to the
回答题Text 2
Every year for more than a decade I"ve gone with some good male friends to the music festi- val. Women are not invited, but they do prepare a picnic for our trip. The better the food, the more likely we are to continue our annual tradition and give them peace at least one week out of the year.
When we"re not eating, we sit around in circles and talk about manly stuff: women, mostly.After years of this special journey I have figured out women are different from us, especially when it comes to how we communicate. Women don"t need to manufacture reasons to chat, but guys need excuses like outings or organized events.
And I"ve noticed that when women are in groups there can be several conversations going on at once. When men are in a group, one man talks, and everybody else listens. It"s like bluegrass jamming in a way; one musician plays the lead, and the rest try to follow.
I"ve had more heartfelt conversations with other men at the festival than I"ve had at any other time in my life, partly because there are no women there, and partly because we"re all a little drunk. It was males bonding over whatever parts we still had left. The festival is also the only place I"ve ever cried in front of other men.
As the years have slipped by, some in our group have lost parents and grandparents, some have divorced, and others have changed careers, not always on purpose. It seems that every year something distressing has happened to at least one member of our crew, and the rest of us are there to listen and offer support.
I hope that this column can offer some comfort to women: if your man heads out on a bowling or poker night with the guys, be happy. Chances are good he"s not fleeing you and the kids, but he"s running toward the conversations he can only have with other men, and he"ll come home the better for it.
It is implied in the first paragraph that 查看材料
A.the trip is a relief for both men and women________
B.the trip will continue in spite of everything
C.the quality of the picnic needs improvement
D.the women can rarely get peace themselves

The world of taxi drivers is dominated by men. But there is one small taxi company in Delhi,where all the drivers and passengers are female. Women’s safety is a hot topic in India at the moment, so it's proving a very popular service.
“When I’m on the road driving our taxi I feel very proud,because this is the first taxi service only for women,” says 31­year­old Shanti Sharma, who is one of eight female drivers with a taxi service called Cabs for Women by Women.
The last couple of months, since the rape and murder in the city of a college student travelling on a bus, have been particularly busy for her and her colleagues.
“After this case,our workload has increased so much,” says Sharma.“Women who used other cab services are also turning to us now.”
Most women in Delhi say they routinely face harassment(骚扰), and worse, especially on public transport.
Sharma, a single parent with three daughters, has been working as a taxi driver since 2011, when the service was first set up, and it has changed her life. This is the first time that she has earned enough—about 250 a month—to support her family.
Of course, she and the other female taxi drivers are completely outnumbered by male cabbies.“When I park somewhere there are always men there and inevitably five or six of them get together and hang out, ” she says.“I’m usually the only woman in the parking lot, so I just stay inside the car.”
It’s not much better when she is out on the road. Sharma says the male drivers give her a hard time.“As soon as they see a woman at the wheel they start honking(按喇叭) for no reason. They’ll try to overtake you. I’m always worrying about how to avoid getting hit by someone.”
The company behind Cabs for Women by Women, Sakha Consulting Wings, had a number of goals when it set up the service .It wanted to give women from poor backgrounds an opportunity to earn money. By putting women in charge of technologies, it also wanted to change people’s attitudes, and open up boundaries for women.
21、The taxi service Cabs for Women by Women _____.
A、is greatly needed at present in India
B、causes a hot debate in India
C、was set up in 2012
D、is free of charge for women
22、Why are women who used other cab services turning to Cabs for Women by Women?
A、Because it is cheap.
B、Because it is safe.
C、Because it is famous.
D、Because it is convenient.
23、What do we know about Sharma?
A、She is the first female taxi driver in Delhi.
B、She lives in harmony with her husband.
C、She has regretted becoming a taxi driver.
D、She has a better salary after becoming a taxi driver.
24、What is the main idea of the last paragraph?
A、The opportunities Cabs for Women by Women provides for women.
B、The main purposes of Cabs for Women by Women.
C、People’s attitudes towards Cabs for Women by Women.
D、The background information of Cabs for Women by Women.

I don't think I'll need any money but I'll bring someA.at lastB.in caseC.once againD.in ti
I don't think I'll need any money but I'll bring some
A.at last
B.in case
C.once again
D.in time

A、I‘ll stand for you

B、I‘ll stand you

C、I‘ll stand by you

D、I‘ll stand to you

()I’ll take a picture__you





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