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―Your service is first-class.―_______

A、I appreciate your help.

B、Thank you all the sam

C、I’m much obliged to you.

D、Thank you for saying so

更多“―Your service is first-c…”相关的问题
以下英汉对照正确的有()。A、“服务费用是多少钱?”“How about the service charge?”B、“短信回执
A、“服务费用是多少钱?”“How about the service charge?”
B、“短信回执每笔一元。”“One yuan for SMS service.”
C、“请写下您的手机号码。”“Please write your phone number here.”
D、“汇款寄达后,我们会电话通知您。”“We will inform. you when the money arrives there.”
A、I want to make acomplaint about the service of your post office.我要投诉你们邮局的服务
B、No.I want to speak to the personin charge of complaints.不行,我要找你们的领导讲
C、I will pass on your complaints to the related department.我会把投诉转达给相关部门
D、We’ll urge the related department to deal withit.我们会敦促相关部门处理此事

You may have the business qualifications(合格证明).You have an excellent record of good
You may have the business qualifications(合格证明).You have an excellent record of good education and work experience.However,without good business manners you will not succeed.Treating people with respect should be second nature to you.It helps you get on well with the people you work with and with your bosses.It always pays to be polite.Here are some tips to help improve your business manners.If you are behind schedule,remember to take the time to contact your next appointment so that the person you are due to meet is aware of the delay.If necessary,you should rearrange the meeting for a more convenient time.Try not to leave any caller on hold for too long.It is better to tell someone you will call back when you are free.Be sure to return calls as soon as you can.If you cannot return the call immediately,apologize(道歉)to the caller for the delay.Try to respond to letters within a set time.Keep a record of requests for reply within a certain time.Make a note in your diary of other deadlines(最后期限)for your work.If you are unable to respond quickly,write a short letter to the other person to explain the delay and tell him when you will reply.If you want to take a customer or a business friend out for lunch,you had better choose the restaurant and let your guest choose the time.You may think that you are not being paid as much as you should be.Do not discuss the matter with your colleagues.A good way is to contact an employment agency to find out the "going rate".Armed with this objective information,you can discuss your salary with your boss.
1. What does the author emphasize for a person's success in business?_____
A. Business qualifications.
B. An excellent record of education.
C. Work experience.
D. Business manners.
2. What does the author mean by saying "It pays to be polite"?_____
A. You must be paid more money to be polite.
B. You have to pay for your training to be polite.
C. To be polite will eventually benefit you.
D. Customers pay for your being polite.
3. The word "tip" used in sentence 4,paragraph 2,refers to _____.
A. a useful hint or idea
B. a pointed end of anything
C. a piece of secret information
D. a small amount of money given in return for a service
4. When you know you are going to be late for an appointment,you should _____.
A. inform. the person you're meeting of your delay
B. leave the person a message telling him not to wait long
C. tell the person to postpone the meeting
D. apologize for taking the other person's time
5. If you think you are underpaid,it is suggested that you _____.
A. go directly to your boss and discuss the matter frankly
B. ask your colleagues secretly how much they earn
C. go to an employment agent to look for another job
D. get objective information about the job market first

Melinda Smith's got a job at Qiaoxiang Community S

Melinda Smith's got a job at Qiaoxiang Community Service Center. Today is her first day at work.George, the Director of the Administration Department, is introducing her to Wendy and Helen.

George: Hello, everyone. I'd like you to (){选项:call. 选项:really. 选项:meet. 选项:number. 选项:forward} our newcomer, Melinda.

Melinda: Hi, I'm Melinda Smith, nice to meet you all here.

Wendy: Nice to meet you, too, Melinda. I'm Wendy Brown, just (){选项:call. 选项:really. 选项:meet. 选项:number. 选项:forward} me Wendy.

Helen: Hi, I'm Helen Clinton. Welcome.

Melinda shakes hands with everyone.

Wendy: Would you come over, please, Melinda? This is your desk.

Melinda: Thank you very much. Could you please tell me what's the telephone 回答

on my desk?

Helen: Oh, it's 8633-2788. If you have any questions here, please tell us. We'll all be ready to help.

Melinda: Thanks for everything. You're (){选项:call. 选项:really. 选项:meet. 选项:number. 选项:forward} helpful.

Wendy: When you are free, I'll show you around our center and introduce you to other colleagues.

Melinda: That's great! I'll be looking (){选项:call. 选项:really. 选项:meet. 选项:number. 选项:forward} to it.

This college is () Prof Wang.

A、at the service of

B、at service of

C、in charge of

D、in the charge of

() provides guidance for the development and improvement of capabilities for introducing new and changed service into supported environment.
A、Service strategy
B、Service transition
C、Service design
D、Service operation

So the ()is RMB 1355. That includes tax and ().

A、money, service charge

B、balance, service charge

C、charge, other charge

D、balance, other charge

Which category does Holiday Inn Express belong to?

A、Luxury hotel

B、Economy and limited service



To some extent the good service at the hotel ______ the poor food.A. brought outB. came
To some extent the good service at the hotel ______ the poor food.
A. brought out
B. came about
C. got down to
D. made up for
“Do you need A.R Service?”中文含义是:您需要回执服务吗?
If the service was so bad, why didn't you ___ to the manager?





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