题目内容 (请给出正确答案)
Match the types of intelligence on the left with the form of learning on the right. (4 points) 1) Linguistic intelligence A. Doing hands-on activities2) Match and logical B. Sketching thinking3)Spatial intelligence C. Verbalizing4) Bodily/Kinesthetic D. Conceptualizing inteligenee

Match the types of intelligence on the left with the form of learning on the right. (4 points)

1) Linguistic intelligence A. Doing hands-on activities

2) Match and logical B. Sketching thinking

3)Spatial intelligence C. Verbalizing

4) Bodily/Kinesthetic D. Conceptualizing inteligenee

更多“Match the types of intel…”相关的问题
______ the examination, I would have gone to the football match last night。A. But for
______ the examination, I would have gone to the football match last night。
A. But for
B. In spite of
C. Because of
D. Provided that
—I’ve got two tickets for the match. Shall we go and watch it together? —_______A.The
—I’ve got two tickets for the match. Shall we go and watch it together? —_______
A.The tickets must be expensive
B.The match must be exciting
C.Why not? Let’s go
D.The place is too far way
—You don’t look well, what’s wrong with you, Wang Ming?
—Last night I watched the football match and didn’t go to bed () 12 o’clock.






At a party. Adam: This is a great apartment. Tammy: I think so, too. ()? Adam: No, I'm Adam. I came with Carl. I don't really know anyone here. Carl's told me about most of his friends, but I can't match the names with the faces.

A、Excuse me, but do I know you

B、Excuse me, could I know you

C、Excuse me, do you mind telling me your name

D、Excuse me, but do you know me

The statement that "Love is blind" is all too true. People in love need to depend on others to help them separate their idealization of who they think their lover is from the reality of who their counterpart(对方) really is. That is one reason why I don't advise Internet dating since it is very difficult to get realistic impressions of supposed Internet counterparts.
Sadly, students have told me that as soon as people finally reach the point of marriage, "true love dies". I disagree. It is not the end of true love, but the beginning of realistic love. I have been married for 21 years in a cross-cultural marriage. Despite the difficulties of such marriage, I love my wife now more than ever before. But that does not mean my emotions are always the same as when I first fell in love. As a matter of fact, love is more than emotion; it's both a decision and a commitment(承诺,奉献).
True love must include making a self sacrificial(自我牺牲的) commitment to always work for another person's good. I like to think that falling in love is like a match lighting a candle. It can start a love relationship. But it doesn't "hold a candle" to the true lifelong realistic commitment that makes true love last for life. Unlike a candle, true love will not grow tired and eventually bum out, but will grow ever deeper throughout a lifetime.
People in love usually can't ______ their idealization of their lover from the reality.
C.depend on

听力原文:M: Miss Jones, could you tell me more about your first job with hotel marketing concepts?
W: Yes, certainly. I was a marketing consultant, responsible for marketing ten UK hotels. They were all luxury hotels in the leisure sector, all of a very high standard.
M: Which markets were you responsible for?
W: For Europe and Japan.
M: I see from your resume that you speak Japanese. Have you ever been to Japan?
W: Yes, I have. I spent a month in Japan in 2006. I met all the key people in the tourist industry, the big tour operators and tourist organizations. As I speak Japanese, I had a very big advantage.
M: Yes, of course. Have you bad any contact with Japan in your present job?
W: Yes. I've had a lot. The troth is I have become very popular with the Japanese, both for holidays end for business conferences. In fact, the market for all types of luxury holidays for the Japanese has increased a lot recently.
M: Realty, I'm interested to hear more about that, but first, ten me, have you ever traveled on a luxury train? The Orient Express, for example.
W: No I haven't, but I have traveled on a glacier express to Switzerland and I traveled across China by train about 8 years ago. I love train travel. That's why Fm very interested in this job.
A.Marketing consultancy.
B.Professional accountancy.
C.Luxury hotel management.
D.Business conference organization.
Here I want to try to give you an answer to the question: what personal qualities are (1)_
Here I want to try to give you an answer to the question: what personal qualities are (1)_____ in a teacher? Probably no two people would (2)_____ exactly similar lists, but I think the following would be generally (3)_____.
First, the teacher's personality should be pleasantly (4)_____ and attractive. This does not rule out people who are physically (5)_____, or even ugly, because many such have great personal (6)_____. But it does rule out such types as the (7)_____, melancholy, frigid, sarcastic, frustrated, and over bearing: I would say too, that it (8)_____ all of dull or purely negative personality.
Secondly, it is not merely desirable (9)_____ essential for a teacher to have a genuine (10)_____ for sympathy—a capacity to tune (11)_____ to the minds and feelings of other people, especially, to the minds and feelings of children. (12)_____ related with this is the capacity to be (13)—not, indeed, of what is wrong, but of the frailty and immaturity of human nature which (14)_____ people, and again especially children, to make mistakes.
Thirdly, I (15)_____ it essential for a teacher to be both intellectually and morally honest. This does not mean being a saint. It means that he will be aware of his intellectual strength and (16)_____, and will have thought about and decided upon the moral principles by which his life shall be (17)_____. There is no contradiction in my going on to say that a teacher should be a (18)_____ of an actor. That is part of the technique of teaching, which demands that every now and then a teacher should be able to (19)_____ an act—to enliven a lesson, correct a fault, or (20)_____ praise. Children, especially young children, live in a world that is rather larger than life.
听力原文:W: Well, tonight we have Andrew Green in our studio to talk about music. Andrew is a great guitarist and has his own band. So, Andrew, welcome.
M: Thanks a lot. My pleasure to be here tonight.
W: Now, Andrew, perhaps you could tell us something about the future trends for the global music industry?
M: Sure. Well, from my perspective as a musician, [19] I can see a dramatic increase in the popularity of Latin music, even now. If this trend continues, I imagine the popularity of Salsa dancing will also rise dramatically. This may result in a slight decrease in the popularity of other types of music.
W: What do you think of the sudden drop in interest in classical music?
M: I think this trend has been in the works for quite some time. As more and more varieties of music become available to consumers, the classic standards may suffer in the popularity contest. [20] I think the drop in interest of classical music hasn't been sudden at all, it's been slow and steady for many years now.
W: Is there any type of music that is consistently popular with most people?
M: If you look at the numbers, rock and roll music has remained a steady constant through the years. I expect the popularity of rock and roll will stay the same in the coming years.
W: It's said that [21] rock music might make one livelier and happier. What do you think of it?
M: That's tree. Research suggests that music can influence a person's feelings and character. [21] There's clear evidence that people who listen lively music are lively people.
A.Salsa dancing.
B.Classical music.
C.Rock and roll.
D.Latin music.
The purpose of the home was to rehabilitate patients as far as possible, so that they could face the harsh realities of life outside hospital. Most of them not only suffered from some form. of nervous disease but had other handicaps as well. For most of them, the hospital had been their refuge for some time and the idea of being rehabilitated was somewhat frightening. They doubted their own capabilities, and were nervous of the effort which would be required from them.
The home contains within a research unit which is mainly concerned with overcoming the technical problems which arise from the patient's physical disabilities. Full rehabilitation involves a need for a patient to be as independent as possible physically. It is in the research centre that all types of electronic equipment are pioneered, much of it exceedingly delicate and complex. One of the things I found astonishing as I watched what was going on in the workshop was the ease with which the patients became accustomed to the equipment. This of course has the dual effect of making them physically independent and giving them the psychological satisfaction of having mastered a difficult problem. And this extra confidence is, of course, a further step towards rehabilitation.
While I was there, I was fortunate enough to be able to talk to a couple of patients who had been fully rehabilitated and who had come back for the weekend to visit their friends. One, a former physical education teacher who suffered from paralysis from the waist down, was now teaching general studies in a primary school. After his accident, he told me, he had had a complete nervous breakdown and had indeed tried to commit suicide several times. "But when I got here, I realized that there were still some things I could do, and that there were people worse off than me who were out in the world doing them," he said," Yes, I expect I shall get depressions again. You can't completely cure that kind of thing. But they'll pull me out of it, at least I know that now."
The "home" in this text refers to ______.
A.the hospital
B.the refuge camp
C.the research centre
D.the place away from reality
根据下列材料回答下列各题。A:WhatDo you plan toDo this weekend?B: ___56___A:I hear there’s g
A:WhatDo you plan toDo this weekend?
B: ___56___
A:I hear there’s going toBe aBasketbaH match this Sunday.Tom and I are going to wgtch it. ___57___
B:Of course.Basketball is my favourite.But I have no ticket for the match.What a pity!A:You’re lucky.I have some free tickets. ___58___
B:Great ! ___59___
A:Let’S meet at theBus stop at half past five.
B:I think there mustBe aBig crowd of people there.____60___A:OK.See you at five oclock.
B:See you.
A.What about making it a little earlier?B.I have no idea. C.Let’s go together. D.Thank you all the same. E.Do you likeBasketball?F.When and where shall we meet?G.TtDoesnt matter? H.What are you going to do?
A.What about making it a little earlier?B.I have no idea. C.Let’s go together. D.Thank you all the same. E.Do you likeBasketball?F.When and where shall we meet?G.TtDoesnt matter? H.What are you going to do?
A.What about making it a little earlier?B.I have no idea. C.Let’s go together. D.Thank you all the same. E.Do you likeBasketball?F.When and where shall we meet?G.TtDoesnt matter? H.What are you going to do?
A.What about making it a little earlier?B.I have no idea. C.Let’s go together. D.Thank you all the same. E.Do you likeBasketball?F.When and where shall we meet?G.TtDoesnt matter? H.What are you going to do?
A.What about making it a little earlier?B.I have no idea. C.Let’s go together. D.Thank you all the same. E.Do you likeBasketball?F.When and where shall we meet?G.TtDoesnt matter? H.What are you going to do?

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